Its been a while since I last type sth, I thought that i could try again this time. It has been a fine weekend till I got too frustrated and lash out on my sister who did nothing wrong. She cried and moved to another the room after that, that's also when I realized that I was wrong. I felt really guilty for it and tried to figure out what the problem with my brain. At this time, I feel like I can't be nice to people I love anymore and well I dont want that, I want to treat everyone with kindness but what I did to my sister cannot be undone. I'm gonna apologize to her after. Recently, I feel grumpier than usual (maybe I should rlly stop sleeping so late) and sicker than usual plus depressed bcs of the amount of tests im gonna have later this week and next week too, not to mention MATH I rlly cant when it comes to Math Its fine if Math remains theoretical but if the exercise gotta apply IRL I'd rather jump off a BRIDGE. I'm also stuck in a class that I dont like even though I've already got the score that I wanted, The extra class just keep going, I hate the teacher SO SO SO MUCH. At this rate I canttttttttttt I just want someone to listen to my trouble, someone who hears me well because I'm so tired listening to other peoples trouble dont get me wrong love the friends i have around me but I am really fkin tired rn.
Update: So I did apologize my sister but get this I was having an English online class and we have to do speaking, when its my turn to speak I yap like never was before then the teacher's comment is what tick me off he said that I have a nice voice but I sounds like I have some kind of mental illness because the content of my speaking was so hollow and in my thoughts I was like my brain IS actually mentally ill( or maybe I wanna hap abt unrelated topic)
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