July 27, 2020


Today was quite good. I finished my tasks and able to meet some people. I get to clean my place and get the errands done.

the downside of today is that I slept a LOT on the afternoon. I feel like it's such a waste of time but I couldn't help it since I feel so tired lately. Probably due to the hormonal changes, but I think I do need to take extra care of my health. I do intermittent fasting but I'm too reckless sometimes that I skipped eating overall. Hmm, that could be it.

I hope I can utilize the night and give my very best to catch up with work. I've made it a habit to write every evening, but for the past few days I've only written a few words (private) or non at all. All because of this fatigue I'm experiencing.

Anyway, at least a good news yesterday is that I've completed a commission and well paid for it. That makes me happy that the client liked it very much. I hope better for tomorrow.

Written by elvena_art

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Posted On Jul 27, 2020

I don't think taking a nap in the afternoon is a bad thing even if it's long, I usually do that on work days after sitting, working, and concentrating for 4+ hours straight, and then I feel rejuvenated afterwards and can concentrate and work hard again.

Posted On Jul 27, 2020

@JustMegawatt ohh that actually helped me feel less bad. Yet I do want to prevent sleeping for too long (i just feel bad that those time goes away when I can do so much). I'll try to improve on tomorrow :)

Posted On Jul 28, 2020

@lays_chips hii there! woah thank you so much for the sharingπŸ™†β€β™€πŸ™†β€β™€πŸ™†β€β™€ for now I'm just experiencing fatigue from time to time, I've been monitoring my mood and mentally I am still healthy. The inadequate sodium speaks to me. Maybe I could check deeper into that and it's a great place to start, especially planning ahead my meals. Thank you for this! 😊

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