July 31, 2020


It's the end of July now. I think I've given my very best in keeping my productivity, especialy in my reports, sessions and journal writing. By doing this more often, I noticed patterns of my habits that are good and also bad. I know now and I can properly plan to improve on the next month.

Next month will be my final month of internship. I aim to give all out to finish what must be done and to complete my hours. To be honest, I'm still not sure what I wanted to do next. I have a plan, but after many things happened in my life, I'm not so certain anymore.

I went out to shop a few things and art supplies. Then I spent some time in a nice cafe to do my reflection and planning. This cafe looked very nice and the tea with cookie is really good. I might visit again :3 (and it's not starbucks haha)

I hope everyone had a good end of July and may next month we be better, and we continue to be stronger; to grow and to live life to the fullest 🙆‍♀🙆‍♀🙆‍♀

Written by elvena_art

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