March 13, 2020

Another Friday Affected by Coronavirus

10:10 (of Saturday, March 14th 2020)

Today is Friday and on my drive to work today, the roads seemed more empty than usual. Many events, schools, universities, and even entire businesses have been closed temporarily due to coronavirus. I thought I would be getting off work or maybe working at home for a while due to the mass hysteria going on right now, I contacted my supervisor about everyone working from home and he says to wait for the company's decision on the matter. The conversation everywhere online, in the office, etc, were all about coronavirus. It's the talk of the town, of the world.

At work today I showed a co-worker the coronavirus map. He says he had never seen it before, which is weird, because it's hugely popular. There were around 130,000 total cases with less than 5000 deaths, I don't remember exactly. Around 1300 cases in the U.S, if I recall that correctly. There was one case in Vatican City and I started looking up images of Vatican City. It's an entire country. We talked about other "religious capitals' like Mecca. Eventually I brought up this comic called Record of Ragnarok and I showed him the Wiki, it has some real life historical figures that are so overpowered and unrealistic, we kept making jokes and laughing at how ridiculous this was.

Two days ago there was an announcement from President Trump that all European travels would be suspended for 30 days, and yesterday there was a huge market crash. I had sold a bit on Wednesday, and rebought again yesterday, mainly just one stock. I should've just rebought the same ones I sold so I would have made a good profit, but no, I put it all into one that barely budged in today's recovery. Today the markets recovered a little. I sold a little bit at noon thinking it was going to go down again in the span of a month since Coronavirus was not over yet. Around 3:30 PM President Trump made another announcement and then the markets shot up a very large percentage right before they closed. Needless to say, I lost out.

I drove home pretty disappointed and a little stressed out. Losing money can be a little stressful, even if I wasn't going to do anything with it. I actually shouldn't have cared so much because it doesn't really matter in the long run. Anyway, when I got home I just wanted to work on the website, because I worked on it that morning and I was on a roll. I thought I could get in a bit of running too, maybe 5 miles before going to sleep. So I had all of that planned out in my mind as I drove, to work on the new feature, then to run outside for a couple of miles.

What ended up happening is that I got home, my dad said the supermarkets were all sold out of nearly everything, he was able to get some bread, meatless meatballs, flax seed, some napkins, and brown rice. No meat of course since we don't buy that, he didn't tell me if that was sold out too, but if so, then I feel bad for all the animals that now have to be slaughtered due to the increased demand because people don't realize they don't need to kill any animals for food.

After that I just started watching some videos, reading some things. I ate some dinner. Took some photos. Continued watching and reading stuff. Minutes turned to hours. Eventually I fell asleep around 1 AM, not getting any of my running or other activities in that I wanted to do.

Written by JustMegawatt

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Posted On Mar 14, 2020

It's crazy, isn't it? The church sessions are also all cancelled one by one. Even the church session from the church here that usually doesn't even have so much visitors. I really, really hope it get's better soon. I don't want everything to be cancelled and the supermarkets to being normal again.

Posted On Mar 14, 2020

Yup! It may all be over soon though, so enjoy the crazy stuff while it's here and enjoy the time off from school / work / events, as this very rarely happens. In a few years when this is long over over we could be like "hey you remember Coronavirus and how everyone made a big deal out of it?" because that was the big trend back in 2020.

Posted On Mar 15, 2020

Things will probably stay canceled for a while, because of the incubation period of the virus. (Most people show symptoms within 14 days.) But the ideal situation is, we all bunker down for a while to limit the spread of the disease, then once it dies down we just all shrug and go on with life as normal. We might even say "What was the big deal?" but that's the point of bunkering down, to prevent it from spreading too much and becoming a big deal.

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