March 14, 2020

that's it, eden!

Leviathan is a pretty cool dude, because he screams "Power...such power...mine for the taking!" while taking a shower, and honestly, wouldn't we all like to have that kind of energy?

Anyway, we beat Leviathan! We never hit enrage; on our winning run, we had about 30 seconds to spare. It was all about clean execution of mechanics.

(Protip for Tsunami 2: If you're the dps with the line, the timing is much tighter than it looks, because the attack resolves (and takes into account your facing) well before the actual knockback/damage occurs. The instant you see the cones go off, you gotta sprint to the north edge and turn around. I wiped the party twice because I didn't realize the timing was so tight and thought I made it in time when I didn't.)

A lot of our time was spent on the final mechanic, the infamous Black Smokers. Kan gave us a lengthy explanatory spiel which absolutely no one understood. So we got together in a collaborative image program, where he drew us a step-by-step diagram and the rest of us provided creative input. (Do not use this diagram if you're actually doing Black Smokers. Consult a professional.)

We tried implementing Kan's plan and discovered he was wrong about everything. That's because he's a tank. He doesn't do anything for Black Smokers; he just chills at the front while the rest of the team runs around dealing with tethers and puddles.

After some more deaths, the team figured things out and explained it very slowly for me in the back. Then it was just a matter of execution. The first time we cleared the mechanic, we cleared the raid.

"I got 98%!" said Kan. That ruby gunblade is doing work.

Meanwhile, I brought up the rear with a 9% parse. At least I'm consistent? (lmao 82% uptime) (look I was concentrating on not wiping us during smokers) newbie, my counterpart across the pond, got 12%. HGR got 43%, an unusually low score for him, because he got greedy for damage and died to a temporary current a minute into the fight. He was the only one who died that run.

In the FFXIV topic, Kan said that only 40% of the playerbase does extreme/savage content. I have no idea where he got that statistic. But it means I’m in the bottom 10% of the top 40%, so I’ll take it.

Written by Achaius

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Posted On Mar 15, 2020

Thanks for reporting the issue. The only error I see occurring is that the image size is too large. We set a 5mb limit on uploads and then we would try to resize the image until it was under 2mb. We just changed it to 25mb upload limit, but it should still be under 2mb once resized. You can try uploading the photo again, if there is still an error, it would be because it's over 25mb when uploading or because it failed to convert it below 2mb.

You can upload a photo and make it private and attach it to a journal at the same time without any issues. What kind of behavior do you expect it to do? Right now if you do that, it doesn't show up in your journal entry and doesn't show up in the public photos page. Do you expect it to show up in your journal, but only for you? Or do you expect it to show up in your journal for everyone, but not show up in the Public Photos page?

Posted On Mar 15, 2020

The file size is 268 KB, so that shouldn't be the problem. I originally wanted it to show up in the journal entry, but only for me. Then I changed my mind and decided to make it a public photo. But I still get a 500 Server Error when I try and upload it.

Posted On Mar 15, 2020

What is the filetype? It might error on .gif files too

Posted On Mar 15, 2020

It's a .png

I thought it might be a browser issue (I use Firefox), but I tried on Microsoft Edge and got the same error message. I also thought it might be an issue with that particular file, so I tried uploading an entirely unrelated image and still got an error message.

Posted On Mar 15, 2020

@Achaius that is really weird. If you can, can you email it to me or provide a URL with the image? My email is if you need any support or anything else for the website.

Also you can now tag people in comments! By default you will get this notification because I'm posting this in your entry, but I'm tagging you just to demonstrate how it's done.

Posted On Mar 16, 2020

ooh nice feature @ayearagotoday
Here is the Black Smokers diagram that I initially tried to post:
And here's the unrelated picture that also wouldn't post (my Fitbit graph for the week):

Posted On Mar 16, 2020

Cool thanks, I'll take a look at both files and let you know when it's resolved

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