Sept. 12, 2020

2020/09/12 - OpenAir Praisetime

2020/09/12 πŸ‹


22:57: it got late... I slept bad this night, woke up every few hours ans the morning wasn't the best therefore. I went to band practice at 14:00 . During it Christoph noticed my flute was a bit too high. I tried to get it right with a tuner app. When i had it somehow in the middle it still didn't fit. Then Someone (i think it was Michi) asked if he had tuned his Keyboard. He said exactly that was it he didn't do. Or forgot to do. I don't remember. Then we had to tune by ear. Or, he had to because i don't have a musical ear, perfect pitch or anything like that...

Later my sister and mom walked by to go Shopping and waved. When we finished they just came back so i talked to them shortly. Mom had bought an entire bag of lollis. She gave me one. Then i went back helping to pack the technical stuff. We went to the Grafweg location and set up the technical stuff. Or rather, THEY did. I had no idea what to do. They had so much stuff, cables, the mixing station was full!!! Stefan even brought his own XLR cables. I only set up the micro stativ for myself, although Someone Else put the cable there and Christoph had given me a microphone. But someone had tilted the micro down twice. I think it was Stefan... I had put it higher, i didn't want it to be in front of my face.

The team had parked where the "stage" was (we were on a big parking area). Later someone just parked there too, but the lots where full so she just left her car there...

I misplayed a few things, i'm a bit disappointed there, but i wasn't really concentrated. Later the woman went to the car without a mask and the car made a noise that didn't sound good (as Christoph had said). I only heard the engine start and saw that Christoph had looked behind him. I was surprised how he could still play the keyboard. I just hoped the woman wouldn't hit me with her cat. Christoph said that later he hoped that as well. I thought only i thought that Because i couldn't see it and didn't know how much space there was. Christoph said there isn't much that distracts him during the sessions, but this was one.

When we played the last song or maybe already before my fingers felt Strange. I thought i was holding the flute incorrectly. I had shortly put my right hand down but then, as i usually don't grab it from above, when i out it there again it felt stranger and i wasn't even sure if i had my fingers on the right keys. During the last song at the beginning, the first note was not that good for me and then later i nearly missed my part twice... It was so close! But Christoph said it's not easy playing with fingers that aren't warm. Maybe that was what i experienced. There was wind that was cold, so...

At some point i looked to the left. The sun was now above the building, really bright and big. I wondered since when is it that big. You couldn't look at it, so i had to wait. Later i could take a photo, but of course it had sunk a lot then. But really, that didn't take long until that.

After we had put the technical stuff together again we chatted a bit. Stefan had reserved tables at a pizza place. In the end, David Christoph and i went there, Michi came after a couple of minutes as well. Stefan shared a pizza with me. Funghus. But i didn't feel 100% good, i had trouble reading... The information didn't really get to my head... We also drank Fanta. I don't like that gas, but for once It's okay. When we went to put the technical stuff to Church (and leave some in the car for tomorrow) i started to feel better. I suppose i just missed nutritions. I mean, what i ate today probably wasn't enough...

All in all it was a great day! But when i was on Instagram and wanted to go write everything down i got a bit sad... Why??? Everything is fine! There is no reason to be sad! What is this :/

Antio 🦊

15.09.2020: why didn't i upload itπŸ€” πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Written by Plesi`

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