March 21, 2020




As the days go by and nothing really happens i forget to write an entry here. Also, because of headache, i forgot to check habitica. So there was no verse in it. I don't write down when it's my turn anymore as i send one anyway when there's nothing at the end of the day, but then when i forget it it's like, who's turn is it? Not that it was mine... That'd be sad.

We were shopping yesterday (which is today because i forget to write) and got toilet paper! But my mom was getting stressed/uncomfortable and wanted to leave asap. Now we've got enough stuff for the next few days I guess. It looked like everyone else was there because of toilet paper too...

I worked on my term paper. I think i have four pages or something. But I don't know what to write for "what's different" and "how's their attitude"... Towards what? Homosexuality? I don't think i could find a source for that, but it's actually obvious.


Written by Plesi`

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