6:50 (of Saturday, March 28th 2020)
Today is Wednesday and I didn't really do that much today. Today was a day where I got some work done, but I could have done a lot more. I don't remember that much about today to be honest.
Today was the first day in which I attempted to do a cold shower again. I remember this part because it took me three days to do it again, and Friday was the first day in which I did it again. What I did first this Wednesday was I took a hot shower, after I was done showering I moved it to cold, but I only moved it to cold for just a few seconds before turning it off. When most people shower they take several minutes. I'm in and out within like 2-3 minutes if it's a hot shower, and within 1 minute if it's a cold shower. I don't know how people stay in there for longer when it takes just a few seconds to wet, lather, and rinse the entire body and hair. I think people just like standing inside the shower feeling the hot water heat up their body, but I don't think it's worth it.
I also remember working from home today. Thta's basically the highlight of today. There wasn't much that I did though. I got done what I could, and I ddn't step out of the house the whole day. I could have stepped out during lunch or something but I just didn't.
I think I watched a lot of Daily Rant Australia again. Oh yeah, Daily Rant Australia made a video about how he was still putting money into ETFs. I wonder why he likes to share the amount of money he has and has invested? I think he's very wealthy since he had like $60k Australian in savings, I just wonder how people get that much in savings in the first place. But yeah since he said he was putting money into ETFs again, I bought again today. Of course it's all a loss since I sold everything at a cheaper price, and today the economy went back up. I thought that maybe I'm just destined to lose money, since it seems to happen to me all the time. I don't know.
After that I continued working while reflecting on my losses. Am I just a loser? I would think to myself about myself while working. First world problems man. This stuff I was worrying about is non-essential. I lost out on several hundred dollars, maybe a thousand dollars. It's a pretty small amount of money in the long run when you think about it. It was something I never should have worried about at all.
I don't think I played any Path of Exile tonight. I think I went to sleep pretty early. Yeah I don't remember too much of today. There was so much nothingness that happened that there's not much else to say.
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