I've been better. I find myself alone and while this is nothing new now, I think the quiet and complete solitude is in fact getting to me. I love solitude and being alone and being able to do what I want to on my own terms... However the mental impact of this, after now a year plus of being reclused is starting to wear on me. I have come to realize that at 33 I will not be the go to guy that people look for, for advice. My opinion or knowledge of subject matter is not only behind my co-workers, but when given, has all of the weight of a 10 year old school girl.
A few Astrophotography tips have been gained...and some experiments I need to try. Found out that I need to use a dash of windex on my lens, how i can increase the grip on my scope's collar, and some imporovements I can make on my photo's. (I.E just stop trying with PixInsight)
Astro researching. Learning some tips for using Lightroom. Sort of giving up on PixInsight. Clearoutside.com shows I have a few hours of Green, so I'm going to try to get in a few shots.
Reading the book From a Certain Point of View Empire Strikes Back. Some really good stories, that I'd love to see as their own books...and some silly stuff..
Mars Horizon... leading the pack...mostly..
Going to try to practice some Robot Framework
I don't even know what to put for future goals... I would say look for another job, but I can no longer keep fooling myself in where I think I'll because this charismatic, and super knowledge person that everyone fauns over for knowledge and experience... So I guess tomorrow I'm going to work on files for work at my current job..
The album "It's Immaterial" by Black Marble...is without a doubt my album of the year.
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