Jan. 2, 2021

december gratitude

It feels like the end of the year snuck up on me this time around. Last December I was busy making year-end writeups and plans for the year ahead; this December just kind of happened. But it was still a good month.

  1. it's popsugar day!!
  2. and I got post #5 in the official topic yeahhh
  3. disco elysium continues to be great
  4. just realized: because pokemon go sprites are 3D/rotatable they make GREAT refs
  5. auto multiplay?? and you can hire mercenaries?? rip in pieces Gyan but long live the rest of us
  6. mongolian bbq steak night
  7. got Nyx on step 4 round 1 of his unlimited shard banner! (for 8k gems + discount ticket) a great deal since I was prepared to bankrupt myself by spending 36k to guarantee enough shards to transmute. my boy finally home
  8. it’s just heartwarming to see Nyx and Dark Nyx going on auto quests together
  9. reached 25k steps with a heroic last-ditch effort: got 5634 steps in the final 45 minutes of the day. I was tired and didn't think I was going to make it BUT I DID
  10. good work progress today
  11. finished disco elysium! fun game
  12. now I can watch dante streaming disco elysium with his STRENGTH build
  13. club crackers
  14. the maintenance guy came!! bathroom lights AND kitchen lights. we living in luxury now
  15. for real it feels so decadent to walk into the kitchen and flip one switch and have light EVERYWHERE
  16. taffyglider fanart! it took a few days of experimentation to get it right (despite the sugar glider wings, the facial structure isn't based on a sugar glider but a red panda) and the result is v satisfying
  17. played more genshin impact. rambling around, opening chests, good times. (and I got two chongyun)
  18. made porkghetti!
  19. LEFTOVER porkghetti. I'm standing around at 2 pm like "uhh what to make for lunch" and then I realize I have a ready-made lunch. good work, past me!
  20. downtown woooooooo and the train schedule worked out so I got a nice half-hour walk
  21. fixed the kitchen sink clog. I am a home maintenance EXPERT
  22. my gray puff jacket is the best. keeping a warm bubble of air around me just like the pros
  23. drew a good-looking profile view of a human face! 2020 is the breakthrough year, apparently
  24. watching hgr fight "a garbage-ass boss" (the centipede boss in ys origin)
  25. haven't been that hungry for the past few days. idk why, but I'll take it. I don't even feel like snacking
  26. yay groceries (finally, they had peanut sauce in stock! and naan!)
  27. living it up: pan-toasted buttered naan for lunch, burgers for dinner
  28. rare footage of me getting 10k steps before noon (in fact, 12k steps before 11 am)
  29. !raid! starting e7s today
  30. I think I've mostly got the voidgate thing down. first you MOVE so that you're aligned horizontally OR vertically with the place you want to go. then try all four cardinals until one works
  31. playing spy pictionary with team
  32. re-reading journal entries from 2018. good times
  33. I don't say it enough: working from home is so good. waking up at nearly 9 am, leisurely making myself a breakfast mocha. taking afternoon naps. no schedules as long as I get my work done in a timely fashion. truly this is the life
  34. started playing wolvden. indulging my inner 12-year-old lmao
  35. because this whole thing is an exercise in chuu2 anyway, I'm naming all my wolves stuff like "Onyx Moon" and "Havoc Song"
  36. whoa people are generous in this game, snail gave me a stunning henna pup with cream/honey markings and way better stats than any of my adults [Arson]
  37. update: she also gave me a second pup [Carob] and then I bought a honeydew pup with black blanket ticking for 5 SC [Jackfruit Cider]
  38. farm rich oven lunch!
  39. mongolian BBQ steak. it was thin steak, which I never buy (it was a substitution) but I cooked it perfectly using cooking tips I wrote in my journal in 2018
  40. woke up to single-digit temperatures. glad I'm not going to work!
  41. made christmas cookies!
  42. loong afternoon nap on the couch using the sleeping bag as a blanket. so warm and comfy, I was basically hibernating
  43. watching hgr streaming stephen's sausage roll and drawing comics of his adventures
  44. and then making pasta with smoked sausage for dinner
  45. watched the dramatic conclusion to stephen's sausage roll
  46. BRAINWAVE: I can use my wolvden pack members as artfight characters
  47. it's snowing!!
  48. fresh snow falling at dusk, so relaxing and luxurious
  49. Jason helped me out with issues at work
  50. YES lazy (the user) fixed my den coding html problem that I was wrestling with for like half an hour (you have to specify !important to have a fixed-width picture on wolvden)
  51. tabletop with team! ringing in the new year with style

Written by Achaius

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