April 6, 2020

Extended Leave

Mid Covid-19 crisis, the governor of Jakarta issued for social/physical distancing (work from home, study from home, stay at home) which was released in March 20 and was hoped to end at April 5. Now somewhere along the road, the President wasn't really happy about it and he issued his own rules where it's not an order to stay at home but merely a suggestion. Therefore people are still roaming around. Within the 2 weeks instead of decreasing the infection rate, a lot of people were tested positive and so the governor ordered to extend the previous initiative (stay at home, work from home) and also specifically targeted companies that were still having their employees go to work without protective measures.

My office however, from the beginning never really gave the initiative to work from home. When I requested for it to be considered, my boss suggested for me to just take it as a leave. And since I have used up all my annual leaves, we were in agreement that it was an unpaid leave. So after two weeks of unpaid leave (which I then called a quarancation in my blog) sadly I must extend it since my area has been closed. And I too am honesty scared to go out. More on scared that I might not be able to get back in.

See, my house is in another province outside of Jakarta but it's close enough that I can drive back and forth daily to go to work (my office is located in Jakarta). Now my area has closed its roads, accesses to Jakarta and my city. So if I were to go out, I might not be able to get in. And I wouldn't know where to stay so.. Really, I have no option but to extend my leave.

And as much as I do need to work so I can pay my bills, on the bright side though I guess that if my company will be paying me less, they'd still be able to retain money right? I guess.. I mean, it's one less employee to spend on..


Anyways. Yeah so that's it.

Written by shaiduck

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