May 24, 2021

Pretty Good Day

I got a lot of stuff done today, and I'm pretty happy about it. I got to start the morning off slower now that classes are over. I had plenty of time to eat breakfast, get dressed, and plan out the day. I started by going through and cleaning out my school email, making sure I responded to all the end of year surveys and wrapped up everything for work, and deleting all the newsletters and invites to workshops that have since passed. That took the rest of the morning actually. For lunch I made tuna salad with my mom. We didn't have any onion, so instead we used tomato and shredded carrots, and it tasted great! We had the left overs for dinner. After lunch I went to therapy, then I completed some training for my job and submitted my time sheet since I won't be putting in anymore hours this month. That took the rest of the afternoon. This evening we set up a little kiddie pool for our puppy. He likes the sprinklers, but isn't sure about pools yet. We all had plenty of fun anyways, and got plenty wet. My mom cut my hair while my sister K went to bathe our older dog Kayla. Kayla is finishing up a medicated shampoo treatment for a skin infection, next week will be her final bath of the treatment. So then I showered after my haircut and came to get dinner while K takes her turn to shower.

So yeah, a bit of a busy day, but if feels so much better than a busy day over the last semester. Summer classes start next week, but I forgot to check if I got off the wait list today. I'm debating whether or not I want to take a summer class, or drop and get a refund. On the one hand, we could use the money and it would be nice to rest for the summer. But on the other hand, given that I probably didn't pass my stats class last semester, it would help to get at least one class out of the way to sort of make up for it when I retake the stats class. I don't know yet, maybe the wait list will answer for me. If I don't get in then I'll get the refund and the summer off. I'm pretty far back on the wait list anyways, since I wasn't sure if I could even afford the summer class until the last day to register. I guess we'll see what happens.

It's still pretty early in the evening for me, usually I'd still be working on homework. Instead tonight I'll relax and knit for a while. Maybe I'll also get to draw or something before bed.

Written by Seeker

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