April 22, 2020

Mask time :D

Hello world :)

This will be a very brief journal, mostly 'cause nothing special happened today :)

Worked on my studies and fixed my notes :) Soon after I started working on making face masks :D So far tonight I managed to make only 4, well now they're 3 'cause my father tried one out and he broke the elastic that suppose to go on one of the ears: essentially they're too small for him xD They fit perfectly for my mother and me, so I have to try making them a little bigger for him :)

Oh :D And I wrote down the first chapter for my comic, I have to separate the comic in 30+ panels though xD So between tonight and tomorrow I will finish definitely chapter 1 and hopefully also chapter 2 :D

I'm on a role with the masks :D So I shall leave you all and wish you a happy day :)

Written by pinenutes

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