April 23, 2020

Mask Time 2.0 >:3

Well, I did say I was on a role in my previous post xD

Tonight I'm working on making masks for my father, since I already made 8 for both my mother and I :) So far I made three, though my goal for tonight is to make him at least another five more :D I can't believe I'm enjoying myself just by making something simple and stupid like a face mask xD I guess cause it's just another way of getting creative :) I always found sewing particularly interesting and wanted to try making my own skirt with pockets or something xD Or like recycles some old pants and shirts xD But alas, I ain't got the time, nor the sewing machine xD haha

Today was a calm day: did my chores and studied :) I only did 7 minutes of workout though xD I finished studying late and I didn't have time to do my usual 1 hour workout, 'cause dinner could have been ready in any minute @.@ I did those seven minutes, I still sweated (sweated ? sweat? don't know), and yet I felt guilty? I don't know, it's hard to explain, like I didn't do enough exercise xD? I could do some tomorrow and catch up for the excercises I didn't do today :) Why not? A friend of my does excercises EVERY MORNING XD So I think I can handle three days straight of excercises :) As long as I don't hurt myself xD

That's all :)

Written by pinenutes

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Posted On Apr 24, 2020

Way to go you!! Let me know if you ever make a skirt with pockets, the world could use more of those XD

Posted On Apr 25, 2020


Posted On Apr 26, 2020

@pinenutes Ok... I won't ;)

Posted On Apr 28, 2020

@Cayst Cayst, Cayst. Look at me. Ok, you can't look at me. But imagine you're talking to a chubby asian chick with red glasses, with long brown haird that reaches her belly and at her straight into her dark brown eyes. Are you looking? Look dang it! Go buy and awesome dress with pockets. Do it. Don't make me spam you with videos on how to make dresses and skirts with pockets. Cause I will. I'm looking at you with a stern motherly look. Yes indeed.


Posted On Apr 29, 2020

@pinenutes Maybe you could make me one and mail it :) Haha, I will certainly look around! But I don't plan to go shopping anytime soon! Maybe if I can find something on dresslily...

Posted On Apr 30, 2020

@Cayst Oh Gosh xD If you really want to be my guinea pig, sure xD But don't compain later if I choose a bad color xD haha Is it a good/reliable site:)?

Posted On May 01, 2020

@pinenutes Lol it's not like you can measure me and stick me with a needle, so there's very little risk XD I've only used the site a few times but it's pretty good for having fairly cheap clothes. There are times where you certainly get what you pay for and it looks a little cheap, but I think the styles are so cute! I have no idea if they have anything with pockets though!

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