April 24, 2020

I'm a noisy mime :D

Bleah xD Like I feel horrible cause I don't spend enough time writing something down in my journals xD

But like to be honest, I'm completing my daily tasks, and by the end of the day I also complete most of my habits O.O Like it would be impossible for me not to, nothing is happening in my life right now xD I'm not even procrastinating as much as I would in a non apocalyptic situation @.@

Today was a chill day, my father finally noticed I had a Ukulele xD it only took him 5 years xD hahah

I went out shopping again, we had no water, but I couldn't get the usual 12 bottles cause my mom asked me to buy a lot of things xD The cashier was super energized this afternoon xD Like every task he would finish or sentence he would keep saying something like "booyah" and it was kind of weird, but in a good way :) It made me smile xD

I also quacked at my boyfriend cause he never talks xD and I can't breathe with a face mask on, so I definitely can't speak either xD So the conversation would him saying "Hhhhhhhhi Alex :3" or "How are you :3?" and I would be like "Just tell me a story man xD Tell me a story or I swear I'm buying you a hamster, and we both know you don't want it xD". Although I guess the funny thing would be, since I can't keep my phone in my hand, I usually wear ear buds with a microphone built in it. So when I talk to Fulvio on the phone you can physically see me talking to him as if he was right there beside me xD So a lot of people would se me look into the horizon and make a bunch of hand gestures to basically nothing in front of me xD haha I felt a bit ridiculous, but at that point I was committed to talking to the invisible ghost that is my boyfriend xD

Arrived back home, I studied and that's it xD

Ah well, look at that :D I wrote more than 10 sentences xD ahah Tomorrow I'll try writing some more :D Oh I'm warning you people, Imma catch up with all your journals tomorrow and imma comment >:3 BEWARE >:3

And here are the masks that I handmade :D They look like tampons xD? Not the ones you insert, but the pad ones xD haha Oh well :D

Written by pinenutes

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Posted On Apr 24, 2020

Omg, you crack me up XD

Posted On Apr 25, 2020

@Cayst It's the tampons, isn't it xD?

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