Nov. 27, 2021

Went to Los Pilones Falls

2:34 AM (of Sunday, November 28th 2021)

Today is Saturday, November 27th 2021 and it was a fun day today. ANJ has been sleeping over the past few days and she's gonna be here until my parents arrive in a few days. We aren't dating. I met her on Thanksgiving day, and we hung out at the beach and talked a lot that day, I haven't written an entry for that yet. I haven't written an entry the past few days because we've been busy hanging out and doing things, so I kind of haven't had much opportunity to or I probably just didn't feel like it, since I probably could have at any time when we were at home.

I woke up at around 7 AM today, but she was awake since around 5 AM. I suggested we go out and walk, so we walked outside around the neighborhood for an hour. She showed me sun gazing in which she just stared directly at the sun for a minute or two, eyes tearing up. I didn't join her and didn't know it was actually possible until she showed me, I didn't want to try though. She also told me some more stories like how her ex is a person I recognize from a famous documentary, but she has lots and lots of stories and knows and met many celebrities and other powerful people. I'm not sharing them here since they're probably private stories, but she has easily lived the most impressive life I have ever heard about in my entire life, and I've met lots of people.

She can write an entire book just on her adventures here in Puerto Rico for the past few months she's been here, and I bet it would sell well. I suggested it to her many times during our walk to just hire a ghost writer like me, tell them your stories and they would write it out. She says she want to do that but has these other priorities at the moment, which I know about, but again I'm keeping that private.

We came back home after our hour walk, and I changed clothes and tidied up a bit, but she does a lot more tidying. She's cleaned up my home a few times now without even me asking, she just does it which is incredible. From all the stories she's told me, it's kind of crazy how someone that powerful and experienced can be some humble as to clean the home they're staying at without even being asked. Right now all my dishes have been washed, countertop and tables cleaned, floor swept, everything cleaned, and most of that time I was just doing something else.

Anyway I do my Spanish lesson again and told my tutor that ANJ might be a new student in the future. I didn't tell my tutor much about her, just that she was fluent in understanding Spanish but couldn't speak it, and that this person has so much stories and experiences that are truly incredible. I really think books should be written about these stories, because they just shouldn't be forgotten. The Spanish lessons were good, we went over preterite imperfect and preterite indefinite today after talking for a bit. I told my tutor I was going to upload the completed versions of one of my songs today to different song websites, but I would end up not doing that.

4:51 AM

Okay I just told her that I wrote a journal entry every day and she was surprised by it. I didn't tell her about this website or anything, I just told her I uploaded my entires online. I gave her my laptop and asked her to read it, she just read everything so far and we talked for a bit. We talked for like two hours, mainly her talking and telling me more stories, giving me advice in life.

She was fine with me sharing some more sort of vague details. She's lived a long life and has far more stories she thinks more important than this, but I thought the part of her life that made me consider her to be so powerful and successful was that she lived in Hollywood for a while and she had a fancy home and fancy cars. She lived in the same neighborhood as the Kardashians and would see them a lot, and she has other stories like that too. That's pretty crazy to me. Anyway she has lots more stories with other celebrities, but I'll just keep those private.

Isn't that crazy then, how someone like that could just so easily clean up my place for me? She also told me that while she was staying at my place, she would be here to serve.

We ate a bit at home, we are both vegan and we bought food at Costco yesterday. It is again insane anyone buys corpses of dead animals to eat. It is such a wild idea to me after having lived nearly a decade of not having eaten any animal products, the fact the majority still do it is quite crazy to me. It truly is insanity or just ignorance or just lack of self control or confidence or closed mindedness, it could be a lot of different factors actually. But it is so easy to just buy and eat foods without any animals having to be tortured or die for that food to be made, it is a wonder to me why most don't.

This is what I have for an imaginary day of eating. It's not the best, this is a pretty junk foody example, but I can imagine myself eating like this. Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or two for breakfast, some fruits like a few apples or bananas throughout the day, and a bag of chips with hummus, and then another peanut butter and jelly sandwich or two whenever. These meals would take almost no time to prepare, no cooking at all actually, and that could be an entire day's worth of vegan eating. Why the fuck do people have a habit to make animals suffer by even thinking of adding corpses to this? It is so easy and simple to go an entire day without eating any flesh at all, but most people don't.

I put on The Boondocks while we ate and chilled on the futon. We stayed at home and chilled, planning what we would do until around 2 PM. She suggested going to these falls that were nearby. She actually arrived here later than me, like a few months later, and she has been adventuring all over the island going to many beaches, forests, waterfalls, caves, meeting so many people and making many new friends. Several people have offered her a place to stay for free, asking her to come back to them. That is pretty amazing. My life hasn't been anything like that.

So we went over to a nearby clothing store first so she could buy some cheap clothes. She was taking a long time, so I asked her if I could leave her there for a bit while I went home and did something on the computer, and she said that was fine. There was just something making me anxious, so I had to go home and do something real quick, then I headed back. Afterwards, we drove over to the falls. The drive there made me feel like there would be a lot of people at the falls, because I was thinking it was going to be a popular place, but there wasn't that many other people there.

We parked in front of some people's homes, where there were other cars parked. Then we took this back trail through the woods. Near the entrance, we saw this old woman who came out of the woods, she was covered in mud everywhere on her clothes and shoes. ANJ and I were both wearing sandals, so we were having doubts we would be able to make it through. We heard some voices in the woods of people talking, so we waited until they emerged, then started up a chat with them about how muddy the trail was. They recommended boots when going through, because it was very muddy.

Having gone through the trail, it is about 30 minutes of hiking through very muddy areas, climbing over boulders and such too. It is quite exhausting, and on both sides the entire time is this forest with lots of lizards, insects, and even snakes going through. I saw a snake near the entrance as it slithered away. After having gone through it, my recommendation would be to go barefoot. Why boots? The boots are going to get covered in mud, and that's going to be hard and annoying to clean. Yes, at times the mud went over my ankles, as pictured. That would just be annoying to clean. So I recommend just going barefoot since the mud is squishy and it's really not that bad.

The trail was super long, we actually had no idea how far we had to go, and it was so far. Slipping is inevitable, I slipped a few times, on rocks too. It can be very dangerous. There's also very steep climbs and descents. I smelled marijuana as we approached the waterfall, which meant there were already people there.

We finally made it at around 4:30 PM and the sight was gorgeous. There was just this never-ending cascade of water going down these rocks. The water was freezing too, like the weather was warm here today, but the water was freezing cold. We swam in the water for a bit, took lots of pictures.

Afterwards, we hiked back out and my feet became really muddy. Luckily there was a stream of water nearby, and I just washed my feet there entirely. I was scared of a snake being there though, so I didn't stay for long.

Then we drove to the beach, it was already very dark at this point, pitch black outside. We laid down some towels and just lied down in the beach for a bit. I went in the water for a bit but it was freezing cold, so I went back and just lied down on the towels and stared up at the sky. It was so fun and relaxing. What an excellent day.

Then we came home, and we were both sleepy. I started the laundry machine and took a shower, meanwhile she was sweeping up the place with a broom. Afterwards I watched an episode of the Boondocks while she meditated then fell asleep. I fell asleep shortly afterwards. I would end up waking up again at 1 AM, and then an hour or two later, would start this entry.

Written by JustMegawatt

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