Nov. 28, 2021

Visited 3 Beaches, Met Guy on IG, Went Nude at a Secret Beach

10:24 PM (of Monday, November 29th 2021)

Today is Sunday, November 28th 2021 and it was an awesome day today. ANJ slept over again, and in the morning we went out and walked for an hour around the neighborhood while talking about things again. We only went back in after an hour because I had Spanish lessons I had to attend. She basically does whatever while I chat with my tutor.

My Spanish lessons were fine. I don't think we had any lessons today, it was mainly just me talking about my experiences yesterday. I told my tutor again that I would upload my first song today, and I actually did today.

At the time I didn't know there were websites like TuneCore and RouteNote and Amuse, music distribution services that upload your songs to all the different music platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and so on. Because I didn't know those kinds of services already existed, I just manually made an account on Soundcloud and uploaded my first song Android Girlfriend there. I got 2 likes within the first hour, and around 36 hours later as I write this, I have 4 likes in total now for that song. So, not much.

Later in the day I would discover TuneCore, and then RouteNote, and I made an account on RouteNote. For several hours I tried uploading that song on RouteNote but it was so slow. It took like 30 minutes to upload the song, and then when I clicked "Submit", it would take about 40 minutes to load, and then it would log me out and redirect me to a page that said "403 access forbidden." During this whole time, I was watching the English dub of the anime King's Ranking or Ranking of Kings, something like that.

I enjoyed this anime a lot, it's pretty good. I like the story, it's about a prince that has no strength to fight but he can dodge everything. The prince also can't talk and is deaf, so he meets a shadow friend that can speak for him. I like the story because I wrote a story myself called "Unhittable Boxer Joe" about a guy that could never be hit. It was a parody of all the "Joe" boxing animes Ashita no Joe and Megalo Box. I thought the concept of dodging was good at the time when I wrote the story, I think in 2019, because there wasn't any other anime or manga or anything I've heard about that had a similar story about a protagonist that couldn't be hit. This one though, Ranking of Kings, is about a prince that can't be hit.

Anyway, I watched that anime and tried to get RouteNote to work while ANJ talked to this guy on Instagram named RadicallyWild. This guy has lived pretty much homeless outdoors without much possessions for nearly a decade. He goes around to many beaches here and cleans them up just by himself without pay or acknowledgement. I would visit three beaches today and they were all clean because of his daily efforts. You can imagine people just leave trash all around the beaches here and anywhere really, and some beaches are extremely dirty because of that. This guy has kept his beaches spotless.

Anyway for a bunch of years he wrote signs in Spanish to try and get people to not leave trash in the beach. He would hold up sign that say things like, "Clean up your trash because we only have one earth" or something like that in Spanish, and majority of the time people liked his message and would clean up their area. One time though, this guy and his family didn't like his message. So they surrounded him in the parking lot and he got shot in the face. The bullet only grazed his face, because apparently the gun was fired as he was being beaten with the gun, like being pistol whipped.

Obviously he was knocked out and taken to the hospital. Somehow the perpetrators were found and the police were there. This part baffles me, how did the police get the attackers while he was passed out? Maybe other people called the police? I need to ask him next time. Anyway, he ended up forgiving these people for attacking him, and dropped all charges against them. Shortly after, thanks to the publicity of that event, he came across what he says was the deal of a lifetime, and he was able to buy some land here three years ago. He is now living there, and has planted a bunch of fruit trees and vegetables and other plants, and has mainly been living off of that, though he still goes to the grocery store.

So he has a pretty cool story. At around 2 PM ANJ and I went out to meet him. We first visited Mar Chiquita because we wanted to see it, but he wasn't there. Then we went to Playa la Esperanza which translates to the beach of hope. He said a few years ago this was a secret beach no one knew about, but when we got there today, there was a lot of people. It was a great beach, but we wouldn't hang out there for long, he wanted to take us to his main secret beach, one with a cave.

My first impression of him was that he was this very fit looking dude, that's how someone would look I guess if they lived off the land and cleaned the beaches every day, walking for hours picking up trash. He wore some shorts and no shoes or sandals, he says he hasn't worn any shoes or sandals in 5 years. This guy is very eccentric in a good way, he is also vegan like ANJ and I, and he hasn't had a job in over 10 years so he just cleans up the beaches all day, that's literally his life. He says he makes money by sometimes giving informal tours.

We got in our cars and he took us to his secret beach, it was quite a long drive there. I have no idea what it was called and have no idea how to get back there now, but this was the best experience ever. We parked at the end of some road, and then walked pass this barren grass place, and then climbed this hill to get to this cliff surrounded by lots of plants and the ocean, and the view was fantastic!! Words can't describe how beautiful this place was, it had flowers and bushes growing on this cliff, and there was this tiny path for people to walk through. I took a few pictures, but they kept walking forward so I just had barely a second to take a picture so they didn't come out great.

After hiking for 10 minutes, we get to the beach and it was empty. There was literally no one else there, and it was this small private beach. He said this used to be a nudist beach. There was also this very cool cave right there, and the water was warm! We did a lot here, we talked a lot and shared stories of our ambitions. We each have a lot of goals here on this island, and the guy told us his stories which I summarized above. He also says he came from New York and moved here so he could open a bar ten years ago, but then he discovered nature here and then decided to just quit the rat race, so he has been basically homeless and living outdoors just eating beans and potatoes buys from grocery stores and fruits and vegetables that he finds outdoors. He charges his phone using a solar panel.

At some point I somehow bring up how it sucks this was no longer a nudist beach, and he says it can be if we want. Both of them encourage me to take off my clothes, and I tell them only if they do too, so we all take off all our clothes and just hang out in the water nude. It was kinda fun being naked out in nature like this.

I tell him that I would help him get a ghost writer to write his book after I finish my own, because I think his story should be shared with the world.

We also do some other things in the beach like play music and sing freestyle. We didn't have a bonfire, but it was still fun. He played his ukulele and sang improv songs as well as songs he wrote.

Anyway I had extreme fun here, the beach was amazing.

We drove back home, though I accidentally had toll roads turned off and we drove down some dark back roads for a while until I turned it on again. There were a lot of bugs in the car for some reason, they kept flying around and landing on me and crawling on me. ANJ and I didn't kill any, but they got annoying. We would open the windows too and that wouldn't get rid of them. I think they were finally gone once we got home. We didn't do much. I just went straight to sleep basically, I was so tired from today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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