Nov. 30, 2021

air fryer

So, as I mentioned, my parents got an air fryer for Thanksgiving and it’s basically the star of the household. There were two reasons for the purchase. First, Mom’s co-workers waxed eloquent about how it was sooo good. Second, the new condo has a gas stove, which is unfortunate because research indicates that gas stoves cause an unacceptably high level of air pollution. It’s a health risk. I hope to get an electrician to re-wire the place for an electric stove, but it’s unclear whether that will work. (One of our new neighbors is an electrician and opined that it wouldn’t be possible. I also hired an electrician for a consultation, but he was iffy about the whole thing and seemed rather slipshod. I’ll have to get another opinion.) Mom suggested an air fryer, an electric appliance, to cut down on stove usage.



  • The food is great. Fried oven foods are extra crispy, chicken is juicy and tender.
  • It’s fast. Cooking times are reduced and it preheats super quickly.


  • More finicky. Because cooking times are reduced, you can’t use standard oven times or the instructions on the bag; you have to estimate and watch carefully to make sure nothing burns.
  • More cleanup. With a normal oven, I’d line the pan with aluminum foil so there’s no washing to be done. But with an air fryer, you’re apparently not supposed to use foil on the basket or the pan, so there’s a lot of scrubbing to be done afterwards. [edit (11/30): Mom experimented and it seems you can use foil on the sheet pan, which helps! the basket is still a pain though]


Overall, I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Those are some significant cons. But it’s a fun toy, and I made chicken for dinner using an improvised recipe:

  1. Season chicken thighs with salt, pepper, chili flakes, and garlic powder.
  2. Coat in panko breadcrumbs.
  3. Cook at 375 degrees for 25 minutes, flipping the chicken halfway through.
  4. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top.
  5. Put back in air fryer for cheese to melt for 5 minutes.

Written by Achaius

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