Nov. 30, 2021

Did Small Things

6:25 AM (of Wednesday, December 1st 2021)

Today is Tuesday, November 30th 2021 and I had a very short day today. Not much happened compared to the previous days. I woke up, walked outside for about 30 minutes, had my Spanish lessons. I told my tutor I would email these business documents over to Apple so they can change my developer name from Megawatt Apps to Stealth Launch, and I told her I would also work on uploading my song Android Girlfriend today. I don't know why I haven't done these things yet, it's been about a month since I started this conversation with Apple and they requested these business documents, and I have been wanting to upload this song for a week now.

I watched The Boondocks for a bit with my parents, and ate a bit first. It wasn't until around 12 PM or maybe 1 PM that I sent over the documents, it took me like 3 minutes. Uploading the song to took about 20 minutes, since I had to register for an account first and then fill in all the details for the upload. I tried to sign up for their "Pro" plan which is $60 a year, and which I had no problem paying for, but they didn't have "Puerto Rico" in their list of states and provinces in their dropdown, so I couldn't add my correct billing address details. I contacted them about it though, so if they end up adding "Puerto Rico" to their list of states and provinces, it was because of me.

There are other sites that have this same exact issue that I signed up for. Paid sites too, sites I wanted to pay for and use my credit card on, but I couldn't because they didn't have Puerto Rico in their list of "States" (I know Puerto Rico is not a state), in their dropdown. So it makes me wonder whether I am the first person to sign up for a bunch of these sites as a person living here.

So I did those two things, and then I checked my work emails for a bit. I had some issue using the software to write code because of some license issues, so I contacted IT. They said they would fix it. My parents and I went out to a nearby beach that is 10 minutes away without traffic, and we swam there for a bit.

I also invited this high school classmate yesterday (Monday) asking again if she wanted to come visit me, and I told her she could after my parents left. We have been talking for a bit online, and a month or two ago she says she was interested in visiting over winter break. She replied today saying that would be fun and asking if she had to quarantine if she visited. I told her she would have to quarantine if she wasn't vaccinated or she didn't have a negative test from the past 72 hours. I told her to get a plane to arrive after my parents left if she was still interested, and she hasn't replied yet.

At night I did updated my Veggly (dating app for veggies) profile photos with some new ones taken recently at these cool places, and also wrote a long description about myself. I messaged ANJ that I updated this info and for feedback. We met on the app and are keeping in touch as friends.

I also did "that" tonight again. It's been about 5 days since I last did "that" and released. I did "that" but have been retaining since yesterday. Wow, not that long ago. I wasn't doing "that" at all with a guest over. I figured since today was the last day of November, and I didn't want this urge to keep bothering me every day, I just released tonight and it was fun. I was probably doing "that" for 2 hours before releasing, and it was so much fun. It was extremely pleasurable, let's say that.

Also I did my normal 100 push ups today. I stopped doing 100 push ups a day for two days because during our trip to the waterfall, it was getting dark and ANJ headed out before me. I was still in the waterfalls taking random pictures, so by the time I realized I should also head out, she was far ahead in the trail. These are trails inside the forests here, so they are very small with lots of rocks and mud and water and everything. Since I was panicking and rushing, I actually slipped a few times on these giant boulders I was running on top of because they were wet and slimy with people walking on them after having exited the waterfall, and I think I landed on my wrist a few times, so I took a break from push ups because my wrists were hurting, but they're fine now. It is a very cool path, I like there's entire sections with just these big rocks you have to climb, you literally have to climb them, it is so cool.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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