Dec. 2, 2021

agency and ice cream

HGR says that I shouldn’t feel bad about asking for and receiving help from my parents, notwithstanding their habit of bringing it up as leverage against me, which he says is “really shitty.” (It’s mostly Dad who does this.) He says parents help their kids all the time and it’s normal.

More fundamentally, he says that receiving help does not make me less of an agent, and I only think it does because I’m insecure about my agency. He suggests I look to him as an example. He is very secure in his agency and asks for help all the time. For instance, newbie will suggest “You should watch/play x” and HGR will say “Get me a link, newbie.” newbie will grumble that HGR could find the link himself with 30 seconds in google, but he still gets it for him. This does not undermine HGR’s agency in the slightest.

Written by Achaius

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