Dec. 1, 2021

Took Parents out to Restaurant

7:15 AM (of Monday, December 6th 2021)

Today is Wednesday, December 1st 2021. It's a mistake when I don't write a journal entry for the day at night, because then I barely remember the events. Today the only thing I recall is that I took my parents to Mama Pacha's, a nearby vegan restaurant here. There's one I really want to take them to called Congreka's, that one is amazing, but it's about 30 minutes away, so quite far. This one is maybe 10 or so minutes away, so much more nearby to us. This restaurant is also amazing, and the prices are great.

All these pictured foods were only around $7 to $10 each item, so not that much at all compared to foods with cut up animal flesh in them. We walked into this random small restaurant in Old San Juan on December 5th and saw the menu, it had no vegetarian entrees, but all the sides were vegan and the sides were $4 each, while the entrees were $18+, the cheapest entree was $18 and that had some animal flesh in there. We talked about how we could just order the sides, because they all looked good, and four sides would probably be much more in calories, nutrition, and volume than if we ordered one entree at that restaurant, but we chose not to eat there.

So anyway back to December 1st at Mama Pacha's. The only thing I didn't like is that I thought I was so fat. Even though now when I look at the picture taken here, I don't look that huge. But yeah the shirt was tight on me, and I felt super fat. I weighed under 200 pounds on this day too, like 198 pounds or so. One of the lightest I have been all year. It is really not much, but I have lost around 30 pounds or more since the start of the year. I want to drop to 190 pounds by December 10th though, so it hopefully I'd be down 40 or more pounds by the end of the year.

Anyway that was all today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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