Dec. 2, 2021

Took Parents to Los Pilones Falls

7:49 AM (of Monday, December 6th 2021)

Today is Thursday, December 2nd 2021 and the only thing I remember today is I took my parents out to Los Pilones Falls today. So we hiked through the long trail again, it takes about 30 minutes of hiking to get through it, and you have to go through a lot of mud, a lot of rocks, a lot of climbing up, a lot of climbing down, and so on. It's a regular nature hike, and I did it barefoot going through all the mud and everything, while my parents wore sandals and tried to step around the mud by going on the sides. They hated the trip to the waterfalls and they didn't like the waterfalls because the water was too cold for them, so they didn't even swim.

So this is my second trip here, and I have actually never reached the waterfall or gone close to it. There's a few reasons why, but the main reason is that I'm afraid of what's underneath the water. The water is too murky to see through, and it's freezing cold. It's so cold my parents didn't want to go in, but we only have cold showers at home here and they are fine taking a shower in there, but weren't able to go into the water after dipping their toes in. It's really really cold water, like almost freezing cold levels.

So they just sat on the sides the whole time, and ate some foods dried fruits and dried seaweed while I swam in the water. Again I just didn't venture too far away from the rocks because I was afraid there would be some fish or something underneath. Also the water was quite deep, I don't even want to know how deep, but I would estimate over 10 feet deep at the deepest. Again I have never ventured out that far, definitely not far enough to touch the deepest part, but from how deep it was getting as I stepped closer and closer to the falls, I would guesstimate over 10 feet deep.

Also there was this dog that accompanied us the whole time from beginning to end. He just started following us from the beginning of the trail until the end. My mom accidentally kicked him in the head a few times as she was walking over the mud when she would lift her foot and he would be right behind her, and she apologized each time like "sorry doggie!! omg" and I made a comment like "so you apologize for kicking a dog when you pay for how many chickens to be killed for you to eat?". Another time she was like "omg watch out!" when there was a pigeon in front of us as we were driving, and I was like "you care about this one random bird while you have so many dead on your plate?"

Anyway that was all I remember from today. My parents really hated hiking through here. They told me to never go to this place again because the trail was dangerous and unsafe, and too long to get through, and that the water was too cold, and so on. I think I will probably end up going here a few more times, especially when I have visitors coming and I want to take them because it's fun. It's so much fun. I loved the trail hiking and swimming in the cold waters, even if I didn't venture out too far. I won't go alone here ever though, because it is scary to go alone, hiking 30 minutes through the woods alone with no easy way in or out in emergencies is pretty scary.

Written by JustMegawatt

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