Dec. 5, 2021

Went Back to Old San Juan for Exploring and Taking Photos

8:51 AM (of Monday, December 6th 2021)

Today is Sunday, December 5th 2021 and my parents and I went to Old San Juan again. We went home early yesterday because my parents were complaining of how hot it was, and they wanted to go back home right away. So today, we went there again, and thankfully the weather was a bit cooler this time. It was certainly hot yesterday, and also they dressed up really well.

We didn't do much, just go around Old San Juan town and take photos here and there.

After that we just chilled at home. I suggested we go to another beach today, Mar Chiquita, because that place is very good for photo taking, but they just wanted to go home afterwards, so we went home. My parents and I completed the bed last night I think, or maybe it was today, and yeah. My dad worked on the night stands and lamps the rest of the time.

I did "that" twice at night because there was nothing else to do at home. Very short day, I didn't do much, didn't exercise much, I did 60 push ups but I could have done 100 but just didn't since I was watching anime. I do like how the photos turned out from today though.

Written by JustMegawatt

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