Dec. 8, 2021

Went to some Waterfalls and Beaches with Parents

10:27 PM (of Thursday, December 9th 2021)

Today is Wednesday, December 8th 2021 and it was a super busy day today. I think today was the busiest day I had with my parents here. I contacted RadicallyWild a few days ago about meeting up again and asking him to give us a tour of some "secret" waterfalls and beaches. These places are kind of hidden, not many tourists know about them, and a few years ago they were entirely secret. Nowadays though these places have spread on social media so they're a bit more popular now, but still kind of secret.

I haven't submitted any work for my work in weeks. Seriously. I don't know what's wrong with me or what happens during that time, but days would pass by and I don't work on a single thing once, instead I'm off procrastinating and doing other tasks. Of course I sign off my hours honestly, for the past 3 weeks I think I only signed off like 5 hours total of work, even though for 3 weeks I should really have 120 hours of work done.

Today though, I worked hard in the morning and I got 3 things done for one of my clients which was cool. The thing is, 2 of these tasks took like 10 to 20 minutes each to do, so I could have done them at any time like in the past month or so, but I didn't. I think I'm pathetic. Seriously, what's wrong with me? The last task took hours to complete though, and I worked on that for hours and hours then I submitted it.

After that, my parents and I headed out to meet up with RadicallyWild. We drove and it was raining out a bit hard, and I filled up my gas at a gas station, and also there was this tire pressure warning light that came up on my dashboard. We tried looking for a place to fill up the tires with air at the gas station, but there wasn't any. So we just ignored the light and drove on. We met RadicallyiWild at this supermarket store, and I walked up to him parked way out in the back with his beat up car.

So his car is totally busted, it can't even turn on without someone else jump starting the car. Both doors also don't open, and he has to literally enter the car by going in through the trunk. It's so old and busted up looking, it has roll up windows, and yeah that's what he has. After that we drive to the first waterfall, it's about an hour away from the supermarket, and we just chat and talk the whole time, he tells my parents his story of coming here and then living out in nature for the past 10 years. He has a very fascinating story to tell, and I told him I would help him get a ghost writer for his book once my own book is published.

He says he loves writing too, and he has hundreds of blog posts so he is kind of against the idea of hiring a ghost writer. But I think it's better to hire a ghost writer to kind of read his story, and then form a book around it. Because a book has to follow a certain structure. If it's just a bunch of blog posts in a book, I'm not sure if that would sell well. There was that one book I read in 2010 though, I think it was called like, well I don't remember the name, but it's just of this book with a bunch of the guy's blog posts about debauchery, sex, pranks, and so on, and it was a huge hit at the time, a movie was made from it. But like all things, fame also fades, and I literally don't remember the name of the guy nor his book nor his blog, but he had millions of hits and visitors back in the day.

Anyway we go to the first waterfall, and the water is super cold. Still, I go in, and I make a bunch of poses like the praying pose I'm in. I make it look easy, but the water is so cold. He says most people don't go in the waterfall because of how cold it is. It is super cold. Ice cold basically. I'm surprised the water doesn't freeze honestly, because it is so freaking cold. My dad wasn't able to get under the waterfall, but he got close to it. He says it was too cold to go underneath. I got in with him and tried to pull him into the waterfall after I got underneath it myself, but he kept resisting and pulling away. I told him it doesn't feel cold anymore after a few seconds of being underneath it. My mom didn't even try, she touched the water with her feet and then said no.

Anyway that was fun. After that we drove to this nearby vegan restaurant called Punto Coma, I think that is supposed to be a pun. Punto means period, like this "." and coma means comma like this "," but punto can also mean point or spot or location and coma can mean he, she, or you, eat. So it's like a pun, like "location where you eat" or "point he eats" something like hat. I'm not exactly sure, but their logo is a period and a comma.

Anyway we go there and we order 4 of each of the the only two menu items they have remaining. This is my first time here, and they have a bunch of menu items, but they said they had such a busy day today that everything was sold out except for these two items the veggie burgers and the poke bowls. So I ordered four veggie burgers and four poke bowls for our party.

I think RadicallyWild is the most environmentally conscious person on the planet, he hates any single use containers or plastics, and he carries around Tupperware to give to the servers so they can put food in there, and all the furniture in his home is thrown out furniture. I think the only clothing he owns are his shorts, because he doesn't own a shirt or shoes. Literally everything in his home is stuff he found that people threw out. Isn't that amazing? Also he grows his own food, he doesn't shop at the grocery stores except sometimes, but he is self sustained by himself. He also lives off grid, and literally his only way to charge his phone and other devices is through his only solar panel. He owns one solar panel and that's all he uses.

That's why I want to help him write this book so badly. He also spent most of his days for the past 10 years cleaning up the beaches for free. That was his job, but he didn't get paid or anything, it was all volunteer work. He walked around carrying signs that told people to clean up after themselves, and one time someone didn't like his message, so they shot him in the face. Yeah, really insane stories that he has. Anyway he didn't bring his Tupperware today, so he used one disposable foam case for all his food, because he told the server to fit all our food into as few containers as possible. This guy really really hates any single use plastics, he even said he would bring this styrofoam plate home and he can use that as a plate sometimes. He is "zero waste" epitomized. Seriously.

The deal I will make with him is I will probably write a contract to get 30% of the earnings from his book. I'm gonna put up like $5000 to $6000 to hire a ghost writer to read his blog and then write a book based on the stories from his blog, and then use whatever experience and contacts I have to get his book out there. That's the plan anyway. This is all hypothetical stuff as nothing has happened yet, and I haven't discussed these details with him yet.

Anyway we brought all this stuff and ate at the beach. Oh, the restaurant was also a book store and it was also a sort of grocery store. It was split into three sections, one was a restaurant part, and then another part sold books, and then another part sold some groceries, all vegan obviously. We bought nutritional yeast there, and I bought RadicallyWild some food there too. I never had nutritional yeast before, but I added it to my plate at the beach. The beach where we ate at is where this swing was pictured. The waves would splash really high as it hit those rocks. Those rocks are massive too, it doesn't look that way in the photos but almost all those rocks are taller than every person, so when you "go down" to the beach, the wave splashes are so large they go above way your head. Also that swing is so large it can fit like 3-5 people sitting on there. It does not look that way in the photo though, it look like a regular one person swing, but it's not.

Anyway we explored some more places, took some more photos. Then we drove back to the supermarket and helped jump start his car. He does these tours for no set price, it could even be free, but he's choosy about who he does the tours with. My parents and I gave him a decent amount because he was an awesome guy. Man I want this guy's book to be published so badly

Anyway I am so sleepy. I would write so much more in more detail, but I am yawning and about to pass out. I am so sleepy. Time to go to sleep.

Written by JustMegawatt

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