Dec. 9, 2021

Got Car Vacuumed, Scheduled Car Maintenance, Went to Wal-Mart and Costco

11:18 PM

I am so sleepy as I write this. I wrote yesterday's entry just moments before I started this one, and I am so sleepy. I will continue this tomorrow. I really can't stay awake enough.

7:05 AM (of Friday, December 10th 2021)

Okay so today is Thursday, December 9th 2021 and I didn't do that much today. The things that stood out the most was that my mom really wanted me to go to the local Toyota place where I bought my car so that they could service it, because it's been about 6 months and I have around 4500 miles on it, and she was so concerned that she has been talking about it for the past week. So we left home at around 2:30 PM to go there. We went to the wrong place first, and were there for like 30 minuets, but after that we went to the right place, got the phone number to call to schedule an appointment, and called them up to schedule an appointment. I really like this process and how easy it was to do, the reason I didn't do it before because I was so concerned and fearful of how difficult this would be, but it was very simple.

After that we went to this car wash place so they could vacuum the interior of my car. My car was filled with sand all over in the interior because of the frequent number of times I've been to the beach, so we got it all vacuumed today and it was so clean. It only cost around $17 too, so not much at all. Another reason I was hesitant was I thought it would be pricey, but it wasn't at all.

Then we went to Costco and I bought this emergency car kit which included a car tire inflator. I used these to inflate all my car tires so that the warning lights for air pressure would turn off, but it didn't. Then we went to Wal-Mart and my parents wanted to buy another set of bathroom mats, and I told them no because I didn't want to pollute and throw away my bath mats every 3 months. So we had a bunch of arguing about it, and then we went home and I tossed the mats into the washing machine and they came out clean.

We watched Nathan For You and ate during that time. Then I walked outside for an hour and then wrote my journal entries, and updated the photos on all of the Stealth Launch social media accounts. I updated those photos before I started my journals. But yeah, that was all today. I went to sleep after.

Written by JustMegawatt

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