Dec. 10, 2021

Dropped off Parents, Donated to Emergency Services Charity

11:21 AM (of Monday, December 13th 2021)

Today is Friday, December 10th 2021 and it was a more eventful day that average today. Honestly I don’t remember much, just two things stood out: I dropped my parents off at the airport, and then afterwards I visited this nearby charity and donated some money to them.

In the morning I looked online for a charity to donate to, and I contacted them on Facebook. I messaged two charities I was interested in, and only one of them replied back, it was early too at like 7 AM so that was surprising. Anyway the guy there gave me a call and told me to meet up at their headquarters at 4 PM so they could give me a quick rundown of what they do and give me a short tour of their place.

A bunch of time went by and then I was off dropping off my parents at 3 PM. This was a sad event for me. I felt so lonely and alone again after dropping them off. It’s so freaking lonely being alone. There will be future visitors but I’ll save that for tomorrow’s (Saturday’s) entry because that’s when I found out.

Anyway I just dropped them off at the airport after hugging them for a while and then drove off. I drove off alone and it was so lonesome. I felt like there was some heavy drop in my heart or something like that. I was supposed to go to the emergency services charity right after, but my contact told me he would be 30 minutes late, so I drove off home first.

At home I think I just watched anime for a bit. For like 10 minutes before heading out to their HQ. I got there a bit before 4:30 PM and I waited in the car for about 10 minutes before the guy got there. He said there was a lot of traffic, and there always is.

So he gave me a tour of the facility, and it was very much like how I imagined a fire station / medical station would look. Their organization is entirely volunteer, so that’s kind of crazy they do all this work for nothing. The guy talked a lot, I wonder if I am just a quite person, that’s probably it, but he explained so much and probably talked 99% of the time.

I told him I liked what his organization was doing and that I wanted to help support them. I wrote them a check for a decent amount and he thanked me and I headed out.

I went back home, and my plan was to walk outside for the next 5 hours or so. Instead, I probably ate a bunch and did “that” and watched anime. The idea of being alone hit me hard and that’s probably why I did these things.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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