Dec. 12, 2021

Remade Habitica Challenges and Reset Macbook Pro

12:43 AM (of Tuesday, December 14th 2021)

Today is Sunday, December 13th 2021 and I don't really remember too much from today except that it was similar to Saturday except more disciplined. I kept my calorie intake to under 2000 calories today, and I ate all of that prior to 12 PM, so I just didn't eat anything after 12 PM. I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 206 pounds roughly, after eating over 5000 calories of food all throughout the day yesterday (I weighed 201 yesterday, so I gained 5 pounds in one day roughly). Tomorrow (Monday) though, I'd weigh myself and I'd be back to 200.7 pounds, so that was a really quick gain and loss. I'd weigh myself at the same times for each, after using the bathroom in the morning.

I mostly watched anime again today, but I also remade all the Habitica challenges. Oh yeah, I also did "that" a bunch today too. So it wasn't really that disciplined or that good of a day either, it was much like Saturday except I just did some more things.

I made a Stealth Launch account to develop apps with, since that's what Apple support recommended me to do. Instead of renaming my current company, they said I could just make a new account, and then transfer all of the apps over to that one. So that's what I did today, but I also realized there were some features I couldn't use unless I associated an Apple device with this account. Like icloud email for example, I couldn't create one unless I had an Apple device, so I opted to reset my Macbook Pro and use my new stealth launch account for that.

I bought this hard drive from Wal Mart first though, to back up all the files. I was in the store for like two hours because it rained heavily outside for a while and I parked far away without an umbrella. I was going to get completely soaked if I walked outside while it was raining, so I opted to just browse Wal-Mart for a bit looking for random things to buy. I bought some keychains, a phone case, and a hard plastic wallet for cards. I would end up returning the phone case tomorrow (Monday) though because it didn't fit my phone at all.

After I backed up all my files, I reset the computer and set it up again.

That was basically my whole day today. I am so sleepy now as I write this, so I think I'm gonna just go to sleep.

Written by JustMegawatt

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