Dec. 15, 2021

Cleaned up Home and Picked up Guest

This is an 18+ only entry, read this only if you are 18 and older.

12:47 PM (of Friday, December 24th 2021)

Today is Wednesday, December 15th 2021 and I spent most of the day today preparing for my friend to arrive. We have been chatting a bit online, talking about possibly dating, and I told her she could come visit me during her break and I’d pay for her tickets in and out, we could explore the island and do things together.

Yesterday I cleaned up my home a lot, and I bought a lot of food too, preparing for her arrival. Today I mainly just cleaned up some more, and a friend suggested I get some scented candles, so I went and did that at around 4 PM. I didn’t even work the whole day today, I was way too busy getting ready as that was all I cared about.

She told me she would be arriving at 4:20 PM so I thought that would give me some time to go out and buy the candle at 4 PM, since I knew she would have had to go through customs so I felt like it was probably a good time for me to get there by 4:30 PM. She texted me at around 4:20 PM though saying she was already waiting outside, that her plane arrived 20 minutes ago.

So I had to hurry and rush out to pick her up. It takes around 10 minutes from my home to the airport, but it takes longer with traffic. It was starting to be around the time rush hour would start, so it took me probably around 15-20 minutes to get there. Along the way she was texting me images of where she was.

I have to give her a nickname because I spent the next week with her, and we did a lot of things together. What about Eda, pronounced Eee-dah? Anyway Eda sounds like Ada and Eva which are female names, so Eda it is.

Eda and I met in high school. She says we met for the first time in prom but she had already known about me because I was popular and sometimes her friends would talk about me. I am pretty sure I already knew her too because I just knew everybody in my graduating class, there was only around 440 students or so in my class, more than half I already knew from middle school, so there wasn’t that many more names and faces to learn in high school.

I am extremely good with names and faces. Sometimes I forget names, but I never forget a face. Unless they are extremely generic looking, then I might forget them. I am not sure if it’s only me, but I usually remember and recognize people I encounter, even in public places. And I am very hyperaware of locations of people, I notice everyone in any room or location before they notice me.

I remember this one time I parked in one of the popular garages in Reston Town Center, because I used to work there. There were two classmates driving around the second floor of that parking lot in their car, and I noticed who they were and where they were, with just a quick glance to the side.

Anyway, I just continued my walking, heading towards the stairs. I noticed they stopped driving as soon as they saw me, and they parked on the side near me, with their car directly facing me, they didn’t think I noticed them. I kinda looked with the sides of my eyes they were just unnaturally frozen in the middle of the road, staring. I’m pretty sure they were talking about me as I continued walking, but yeah I felt like waving at them or something, but since they stopped so quietly they probably thought I couldn’t see them, so I just continued walking. But I fully noticed them and was aware of them before they were aware of me. That’s one easy example I can recall, but basically anywhere I go, I notice people, their faces, and their location right away, I don’t think other people do because they are sometimes surprised if I come up to them and greet them and they’ll say they didn’t even know I was there.

Anyway Eda is a former classmate who is almost an entire year younger than me. She was one of the youngest people in my class while I was one of the oldest, with our birth day and month being very close to each other. She is blonde with short hair and attractive. We both have some weight we could lose. Although we say to each other that the other looks fine, we know we can improve our appearance a lot more by losing weight. Honestly though we look like we aren’t overweight even though the scale says otherwise.

She texted me a picture of the pillar she was standing near and also a selfie so I could see what she looked like and what to look for. I accidentally passed where she was and she had to run up to the car, but anyway I got out and helped her with her bags, and we hugged for a bit after I put her stuff in my car.

On the drive home we talked a bit and caught up on things. I could see her just staring at me sometimes as we drove along, and she would smile subtly as she stared, so I would look at her way sometimes and smile back too.

At home I gave her a tour of the place. I showed her the living room, my bedroom, the laundry room, the bathroom, the office, the home gym, the kitchen, and a bit of the backyard. Wow my home sounds massive from this, but no, it’s just a small condominium home with some things.

We eventually sit down on the futon in front of the TV, it’s folded down so it’s like a bed. I was planning on turning on the TV and showing her Netflix and HBO Max which I had, just to keep the conversation going. She noticed the solved Rubik’s cubes that I had in front of the TV though, and I had a 5x5x5, 4x4x4, 3x3x3, and a 2x2x2. I knew how to solve them all.

We played with the 3x3x3 first because that was the most common and most popular Rubik’s cube size. I told her about the steps involved in solving it, and taught her some of the algorithms to complete some steps. You have to memorize certain movements to solve the Rubik’s cube, so it’s mostly about memory. Each of the cubes has slightly different steps and movements in solving them, but they’re all ideally the same.

After that I grabbed the 5x5x5 and asked her to scramble it for me. She wasn’t sure if I could solve it so I said just watch. I also scrambled the 2x2x2 cube and gave that to her to play with while I solved the 5x5x5. The 2x2x2 is really easy to solve, but it does involve the same similar steps in solving the other cubes, so unless you knew the steps, it would be hard to solve.

Anyway we talk about stuff while doing the cubes, and I eventually solve the 5x5x5 and put them away. We both smile and lie down on our sides and stared at each other’s eyes deeply. I bring my face closer to give the message that I wanted to attempt to kiss, sort of expecting her to pull back or something, but she was completely open to it, and so we started kissing, and then tonguing.

Should I write about this in a lot of detail? She says she was fine with me writing about it as long as she was anonymous and I’ve already showed her this site and my entries.

Anyway we made out a bunch, for a long time. We made out, held hands, hugged, took off our clothes one by one slowly. We held a kissing position for a few minutes sometimes. We let our bodies really touch and feel each other. She asked if I was clean, and when I said yes, she got on top of me.

We had fun like this for a while, we switch positions, we try a bunch of different positions. For maybe 20 to 30 minutes or so? Maybe longer? All I remember is that it lasted a while, and it was a bit after 7 PM when we finished. I never ended up climaxing, I told her we could continue after going out because all the venues would close if we kept at it for too long. But yeah that was so much fun.

So we went out to Condado, and it was late at night. I think I ended up missing the directions a bunch of times and I kept making wrong turns. It took us way longer than it should have to get to Condado. I knew how to get there normally but not to this one specific restaurant, which is why I used a GPS.

Anyway I find this nice parking spot, but it is a little tight, just barely tight to fit in. there was actually this guy who could have moved his car up barely so we could have more parking space, but he just left the car after I kept flashing him to move up like one foot because he had so much space. What a dick. So I park in a different spot and parked in front of the poke bowl restaurant. The restaurant was closed.

So whatever, we just grabbed a bubble tea from somewhere, and just kept walking around. We go to the beach and it is pitch dark out. We just walk around there for a few minutes, going down the beach. The wind was blowing hard and the waves were high and strong. I held her for a bit as we walked and she held me back too. It was nice.

It started to rain and so we ran out of the beach as fast as we could. I tripped in some heavy puddle. I found this shelter in front of a hotel that she ran by, so I went in and called out to her to come back, and we chilled underneath this canopy for a bit. Everyone else ran by too, completely missing this nice shelter.

After it rained, we go back to my car, and drove to the movie theater. We go in and visit the fancy movie theater, but they had no movies showing anymore. So we went home after checking out the place.

At home I think we ate for a bit, and then we sang karaoke. I didn’t expect it to be so much fun, but it was. We sang a bunch of different songs together, songs that we knew, and our voices were alright. It was so much fun singing along to these songs with someone else though. We knew a lot of songs in common.

After that we went back to making out and touching and having fun with each other. I turned off all the lights and we had fun that night again doing it for a long time. I think she climaxed a few times this first night, and I wasn’t able to. She helped me though by giving me handies and blowies, but still nothing. I finished myself off as she grabbed my arm and we made out. And it took me a long time to finish myself off too.

She complimented me that I lasted a really long time, because I did. But she also said maybe it wasn’t so good to last that long. How long did I last for? I don’t know, maybe 30 minutes to an hour? Or something like that?

When I do “that” alone, I can last like five hours alone, which I think I’ve written about? So, I guess I’ve had a lot of “experience” being able to last a long time.

Anyway that was my day today, it was an amazing day.

Written by JustMegawatt

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