Dec. 28, 2021

Mainly Played Disney Melee Mania, Did 170 Push Ups

11:07 PM

I really hate being behind in my journal entries because I know there's several days now that I have to catch up on. I have to keep these events in my memory and it just gets harder and harder to recall events the more time that passes by. Anyway, I am rectifying this mistake now by just writing today's entry, and then maybe writing my entries going backwards since I remember them better that way.

This morning I woke up at around 6 AM or so. I played Disney Melee Mania again since I played it yesterday and dominated. I played it again today and dominated again today. I think at my best, I won 20 games in a row. Yeah, 20 games in a row. They don't keep track of win-loss rate, but I think it's fair to say I win 6 games out of every 7 I join. It's so dumb. I think the character Ralph is overpowered, because I am able to win against 3 players at the same time with him, but I can't replicate that performance with any other character.

Most recently though, as in just an hour ago, I have not been winning as often, probably only 50% of my games. In one game I got dominated by this awesome team, probably the best team I have ever come up against. It had this unkillable Bing Bong that kept using that heal ability each time he got low on health, so he would get full health again. There were several times I almost killed him, but he would just gain his HP back again. Then they had this Timon that kept going around getting the gems in the map. And they had this Moana that kept shielding at the right time. They were pretty much the perfect team, and yet they didn't even dominate me and my team. We still got around 30 points when they finally reached 70, and my team sucked.

To show off some of my domination, I took these screenshots when my game was being disconnected. I don't even think these are my best games. There were several 2v3 games I won, and I think those were my highlight games, since it was only me and one other person, and we would win against 3 people. Anyway, in one of these screenshots, we have 67 points to their 6 points. Again this isn't even my best games, I have probably several games in which we had 70 points to less than 5 points or something.

Ralph is especially overpowered in the capture the checkpoint or whatever that game mode is. I have had several games in which we got 90 points (the amount you need to win) the checkpoint mode and they had 0. Several games. Some games like that I've won 2 vs 3, and those games were truly intense because it relied on the enemy team not knowing how to play that well. I think I carried in most games though. I thought I was actually unbeatable in this game, until I played against that one team with that unkillable Bing Bong, because he was better than me, he killed me multiple times while I killed him 0 times. That was the first time I got shown up in this game.

So I credit my wins to the character Ralph, because I don't perform as well with any other character. It's not skill because I really can't beat 3 players vs me when I am playing as any other character. When I play as Ralph though, I can take on 3 players vs me at the same time and often win. He is so overpowered. I run away if I get low health though so I also rarely die. Ralph just has way too much HP.

I did 170 push ups this morning because I wanted to do 100, and I did 10 push ups after every game. I wasn't keeping track though, I was just logging my push ups on my watch, every time I would do them after a game, and not really count. By the time I checked, I had 130 push ups all before 9 AM. Then I had my Spanish lessons, and my tutor sounded bored or tired with me today. I'm not sure. We talked for the first 30 minutes about random stuff, I told her about my interest in going over to visit some Ivy League colleges next year just for fun, just so I can visit and take pictures there. I always wanted to visit them since high school when I thought I could get into them, but I didn't even apply for any because I knew that was impossible.

I had an over 4.0 GPA until my senior year, when I got a major depression episode and just stopped giving a crap about my classes, and I think my GPA dropped to 3.9 or something, and I also failed the IB final exams. I passed school seriously as one of the top students, and since I was in a few clubs they gave me so many of these colorful rope sashes, and I think I had the most out of anyone, seriously, I had like 5 colored ropes or something over my neck, and pretty much everyone else had one. I actually was so ashamed and depressed and hated getting so much attention, so I took them all off, and in my pictures, I was wearing 0 of these colored ropes, but I don't even know where those things are anymore, or where my graduation cap or gown is.

After talking about random stuff, we went over irregular conditional form in Spanish. Honestly it's just more memorization, and I am not going to remember it all without review. I actually have seen the conditional form before, but never knew what it was. Now I do. We went over the regular conditional form yesterday, and that was really easy to pick up. Anyway my tutor sounded bored or tired, just not as enthusiastic as usual. She now has a bunch of students every day, so she is making far more than your average person in Mexico now, which she says earns like $10 a day or something.

After that, throughout the rest of the day, I either played more Disney Melee Mania or I just did a bunch of random online browsing. I saw that Javale McGee is with the Phoenix Suns now, along with Chris Paul. They are both vegans and are the oldest members of the Suns by a good amount, being the only players born before 1990, Chris Paul was born in 1985 and McGee in 1988. There's only one other older player, born in 1990, and all the rest of the team (14 other players) were born in 1994 or later. So far this season, I would say Chris Paul has the 2nd best stats on his team, while Javale has the 4th or 5th best stats in terms of PPG, RPG, and APG. They are both the shortest (Chris Paul at 6 feet) and tallest (Javale McGee at 7 feet) in their teams.

Devin Booker has the most PPG on their team at 23.1. I am wondering how Devin Booker is not more famous, because apparently for the past 5 years he has averaged over 25 PPG, which is close to Stephen Curry's best 5 years. His PPG from the past 5 years is higher than Chris Paul's PPG from his best 5 years (all his top PPG from individual years), but Chris Paul is has been an all-star for the past 11 years and is regarded as one of the best players and has one of the highest salaries in the sport. Chris Paul has more than double Booker's APG though so maybe that has something to do with it? I'm not really sure. Also apparently Devin Booker has a slightly higher salary than Chris Paul! That's interesting, so his PPG is being appreciated, I think he is a rising star then, not well known yet, but he's good.

Anyway I am rooting for the Phoenix Suns to win this season. They got very close to winning last year and got second place. I hope they win this season so Javale McGee can get his 4th championship ring and Chris Paul can get his first NBA Championship ring. Chris Paul has been MVP and all-star picked for the past 11 years and he hasn't won a single NBA Championship yet, while Javale McGee has 3 (not saying he is bad, he is one of the top players in the Suns, but I'm just saying his 3 championships are his main achievements, while Chris Paul has many other achievements).

I think Javale McGee is a great player, but he also brings in an element called luck that Chris Paul doesn't have as much of. Javale McGee is like a four leaf clover, except he actually works, whatever team has him has a much higher chance of winning the NBA Championship just because of how lucky Javale is. When Javale left the Golden State Warriors, they got worse. When Javale left the Lakers, the Lakers got worse. He was apparently in the Nuggets team last season, but they didn't play him much, so he wasn't able to do much. Now the Suns are letting Javale play and he is performing phenomenally. The Suns were ranked first in the league until they got passed by the Golden State Warriors recently and got dropped to rank 2. I really think the Suns have a good chance of winning this season, and I hope they do. Chris Paul needs his first freaking championship ring already.

Javale needs to start vlogging again though, like he did with the Lakers. I want the Phoenix Suns to win this year, and he should definitely vlog again like last time. He has had millions of views per video upload he did with the Lakers, I don't understand why he wouldn't want to vlog again like before. Also I want to hang out with Javale in real life at some point. I want to meet the guy and be friends with him. Though I am just imagining his high view from his 7 feet height and I feel like I would be like a midget next to him. He makes the 6'5" people on his team look short, because he is 7' tall and it's similar to a 5'5" tall person standing next to a 6' person.

Anyway also apparently the Jake Paul is making a name for himself in boxing. He's currently 5-0 against professional athletes, so that's pretty incredible. His brother Logan Paul also apparently boxed with Floyd Mayweather and survived. What I want to see is Jake Paul against Anderson Silva, who I remember was one of the baddest MMA fighters back in the day, but then he broke his leg in a fight. Anderson Silva is apparently boxing now though, so a fight against one of the Paul brothers would be fun to watch. Also apparently the Paul brothers live on the same island as me now, so maybe we can hang out some day in the future too. Who knows?

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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