Dec. 31, 2021

Final Day of the Year, Went Caving, 150 Push Ups

9:30 PM

Today is the last day of the year and I had fun. I did my normal routine in the morning of taking my daily photos, and then playing the game Disney Melee Mania and doing push ups. I played 15 games this morning, because I did 150 push ups this morning. I do 10 push ups during each loading screen of a game, so that's how I know how many games I played.

Like the past 2-3 days, I have been dominating again. It's easier to remember how many games I lost than how many I won, and I lost 1 game today, out of 15 games, so I won 14 out of 15 games today which puts me at a 93.333% win rate today. This is pretty much every day though, I literally dominate this game because the character I play is overpowered. Like I said, I am sometimes able to win against 3 vs 1, which I can't do with any other character. I wonder when they'll nerf or weaken this character?

After that I had my Spanish lesson. My tutor and I talked about the new year and stuff like that. Eventually we started talking about Jake Paul and Logan Paul because they just came up, I probably brought them up because I wrote about them last night or the night before and I was so impressed with their life progress. Like they are the epitome of millennial or even Gen Z success at the moment. They are younger than me by a year or two, and yet they have 20 to 30+ million more followers than me, and their net worth than me is also significantly higher that one of them was able to buy a home here for $13 million, and he lives like 30 minutes from me. Their home alone is worth more than everything I have combined. And if they bought a home like that, that probably means they have plenty more. Anyway I do think sometimes I want to be like them, but I really don't know if that's ever possible for me. They can also beat me up, because they fought against some elite athletes already and won against them, I don't doubt they would destroy me too. So they're stronger than me and make a lot more paper than me and have a lot more followers and influence than me.

Would I ever be able to meet up with them ever? Maybe. We live very close to each other. Though honestly I don't think I'll ever be ready to meet them. These guys can start up a livestream and have a million viewers watching at any given moment of any given day at anytime at all. So I would get instant fame by just meeting with them, but the pressure would be too much for me to handle. I'm not able to handle that kind of pressure right now. Also these guys start up drama intentionally for attention, such as when one of them stole Floyd Mayweather's hat just so he could stir up some drama and get views and such. These guys are geniuses in their own way, in the entertainment and attention getting way, in that they know people like this kind of stuff and want to see more of it.

So that's what I talked about with my tutor. She just listened basically while I talked about that stuff in Spanish. Also in rap songs sometimes in the lyrics they say things like "I can steal your girl anytime" or whatever, and it's freaking true. Though they probably wouldn't out of courtesy, these Paul brothers could basically steal anyone's girl.

After that I met up with RadicallyWild again and we met up at this local seed and plant store. They had hundreds of plants there like baby coconut trees, baby banana trees, baby pineapple trees, also lots of flowers, lots of other fruit trees, lots of vegetable plants, lots and lots of plants. I bought RadicallyWild a bunch of seeds and plants he wanted as a Christmas present. I told him he could choose whatever he wanted and I would pay for it. He has land here and he just lives literally off of his land, he rarely goes to the grocery store because he grows all his own food and he doesn't even have a job so he has no income at all. Anyway pretty much every kind of plant grows here, because the land is so fertile and everything, but obviously cold/winter plants don't grow here.

After that we went to Punto Coma again today, but they were closed, probably for New Year's or something, pretty much every place was closed today. RadicallyWild says he doesn't care that today is New Year's or anything, it is just another day for him. Well, he says every day is like New Year's for him because he makes new resolutions and things every day. I think that's a good way to view things because the New Year itself in arbitrary. Yes a year marks the time period for Earth to make an entire rotation around the sun, but I'm saying that the New Year, or point where we claim "this is the starting point for the earth and when it reaches this point again it is a New Year," I am saying that point is arbitrary. And that's why other cultures have different dates for their New Years.

We ordered some vegan burritos and tacos at this other place he knew though and we talked about where we would eat these. I talked about maybe eating at some tables or something nearby, and he said he wanted to go to a more natural place. So he suggested these waterfalls so we drove there and ate in front of this river near it, talking about stuff. We could have eaten in front of the waterfall, but it was so loud and the water splashed a far distance, so we ate a little bit downstream from it.

On the way out of the waterfall, I saw this giant factory looking building on the left and saw that it was a slaughterhouse. How I figured that out was they had a bunch of pictures of happy animals in pastures and also images of meat all over, and he said yeah that's a slaughterhouse. It's funny how they have these very nice pictures of animals just like how milk cartons will have images of happy cows, when in reality every animal that goes through there suffers and also the dairy industry is one of the cruelest in the world. Around 93% to 99% of animals are raised in crowded, unsanitary, inhumane conditions as well, it's a very small % of animals that are raised in "humane" conditions like an actual grassland or pasture like how people imagine. Yet it doesn't matter how "humanely" they were raised anyway, because it would still be fucked up to kill them in the end when they don't want to die and we have no need to eat their corpses at all. It's the same with raising and breeding cats and dogs just to eat them, no matter how "humanely" they were raised, it's still fucked up. This applies to every animal when it is literally needless that we do this.

Also a lot of people are in delusion, thinking animals actually die happily somehow yet refuse to watch slaughterhouse footage and call those videos "vegan propaganda" when it's literally just videos of the actual events happening in them. They pay for death on their plates and wear a blindfold and ear plugs to how that death ended up there but cause so much suffering and death every day themselves. There's a reason why majority of slaughterhouse workers have PTSD and statistics say they are more violent, more likely to be alcoholic, and more likely to commit crimes, because I think something in them dies from all the needless killing and torture they perform on innocent animals. There is not really a humane way to kill any animal that doesn't want to die, even "putting a dog down" is a sad event and we do it in "humane" ways, most of those same people who cry for a single dog death will pay to have killed hundreds of animals a year just for them and their plates and feel no remorse because they both don't care and are ignorant.

Then we tried going over to this other place called Camino Cueva del Arco. The GPS lead us to this random grass spot in front of some house, but it turns out we had to keep going down the road to the very end. So We kept going down the road, and it was this IMPOSSIBLY steep and small road. The steepest road I have ever climbed and gone down in my entire life. This road would not be legal in the States, it is an impossible small and steep road basically. Like, imagine a roller coaster, and that's basically how steep the ascent and descent were.

My car could barely climb up it using full power, and like we were pushed all the way back in our seats on the ascent, and basically falling forward on the descent. It was seriously extremely steep, like my words seem like I am exaggerating, but I can't exaggerate how steep this hill was, it was pretty close to a 90 degree up and down. Also the road could only fit one car at a time, so you had to honk your horn the entire time you were going down this road. Not just up and down the crazy steep hills but the entire time. And you are driving slowly the whole time because it is so scary and ridiculous. There was no space to pass or anything either, combined with the hills being the steepest I have ever seen in my entire life, so I will never be driving down this road ever again in my life. It is too dangerous. I think there are cars that literally cannot climb up and down this thing, like RadicallyWild said his car could probably not do it.

Anyway, so we didn't drive all the way to the end, because we didn't know we were supposed to. So we couldn't make it to Cueva del Arco today.

Instead, we went to this other cave. Cueva del Indio. It's in my first photo. This was apparently carved by the natives called the Taino in the land here centuries ago. Anyway I don't show any pictures of the actual cave, but RadicallyWild lead me through this hole, and it was so freaking hard and scary to climb and go through. It's caving. It's dark, the walls are really hard and sharp, sometimes there's barely any space at all to move so you have to crouch to move around, and you have to hold on the walls using your entire body, hands, and feet, to make sure you don't fall and die. I was literally using all my strength and force the whole time, and I was like, I don't want to do this, but RadicallyWild kept going forward and he kept insisting I followed.

Anyway, we went inside the cave, and omg. It was not worth it. Sure we got in the cave, saw a bunch of cool sights, saw the Taino writings on the walls. There was water in the cave too, so that was super cool. But it was not worth the risk and danger. There is no safety at all, one small slip-up and you fall or you hit your head or something, and it's all rock, and that can lead to death pretty quickly. Also getting in and out of the cave was truly difficult. When he said we were going to be climbing in this little hole, so small we had to crouch the entire time to getting in while holding onto the wall tightly because there were gaps on the floor, I thought he was joking. But no, we went in, and it was so not worth it. So much energy and fear and power and everything used up, just for some minor things. It wasn't worth it, I was fearing for my life the whole time. Seriously. I could probably return again when I'm lighter, but not anytime soon. I literally had to stretch my arms and legs as far as they could go sometimes to grip or put my foot on some very weird spots and push with all my strength to avoid falling, like it was so risky and dangerous the whole time, one slip up and I was gone. I also had to pull myself up a bunch when climbing, so I had to use a lot of power to grab onto rocks and pull myself up, like it was not easy.

After that we drove back to the shopping center and I dropped him off at his car. I don't think I mentioned that he left his car there, but he did, and we got into my car to go to drive around to these places. Also apparently someone tried to break into his busted up car again for some reason two weeks ago. There's literally nothing of value in there. This is the second time someone tried to break into his car, his busted up broken down car who's both doors don't open and he has a bunch of trash and other things inside, and there's metal rusting and other clearly visible issues, but yeah someone tried to break in again and this time completely broke the door wiring so he can't even open the door at all anymore, he could open it sometimes before only from the inside, but now not at all.

Anyway that was my day today. I am home now, and I just want to eat a bit and watch some anime and rest and chill for the new year. Usually on New Year's I would be playing Left 4 Dead 2, some tradition I started back in 2015 or something. But not this year! I actually had places to visit and things to do, so yeah. Also my New Year's is an hour ahead of my parent's back in Virginia, so I'll be celebrating it before my parents for the first time in my life. Right now there are constant fireworks going off here. There is no break at all. None. No break. Every second there is fireworks going off. Like right now as I type this, literally since the start of the paragraph, there has been non-stop fireworks exploding noises, no pauses at all, and I have been keeping track. I have been trying to pay attention to try and find a time when I could say "sometimes there's a few seconds break" but no, it is constant. Literally constant.

I am just going to keep typing until I hear a break in the fireworks. I mean there has literally been no break yet. How many minutes has it been? Omg. It is a constant explosion and explosion and explosion and explosion, never ending. Okay wow, it just stopped, oh there it goes again. It stopped for like 2 seconds, and now it's back on again. Yeah, never ending fireworks. Okay it just stopped? Oh no, there it goes again. Well, it has been going off constantly like this since I got home.

I am going to just rest up now and rest easy. That's the end of the year. I have spent all day today driving and hiking and climbing rocks and going in caves and risking my life, so I am done now. I want some rest for today. I am done.

6:41 AM (of January 1st 2021)

The fireworks never stopped until like 2 AM. It was especially loud at 12 AM. I actually looked out my window and recorded the view, it was pretty, lots and lots of fireworks going off that I could see. Apparently there were also fireworks behind me and such that I could not see from this window vantage. Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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