Jan. 3, 2022

Lost a game, excelling in video games

7:49 PM

Yeah so I lost for the second time today in Disney Melee Mania since I started keeping track of my wins / losses, and I was 37-1 before I lost my next game. So that's pretty crazy, 37 wins to 1 loss is roughly a 97% win rate.

It gets exponentially harder to get above a 90% win rate, because if you win 9 games out of 10, that is a 90% win rate. That already sounds super impressive. But to get to 97% win rate, you have to win an additional 30 more games in a row without losing a single time!

Say you won 9 games and lost 1, that means you have a 90% win rate. If you win 10 more games after that and won 19 out of 20 games, that's only a 95% win rate, it only went up 5% even though you won 10 more games, more than double the 9 games you won to get 90%! Then if you win another 10, meaning you have 29 wins to 1 loss, that is a 96.66% win rate. So saying something like "I have a 90% win rate" sounds super impressive, but a 97% win rate although it is more impressive, doesn't seem that much more impressive, but it is exponentially harder to attain. I had to win around 30 more games without a single additional loss for a score of 37-1 to get a 97% win rate, whereas I only had to win 9 games for a score of 9-1 to get a 90% win rate.

Anyway, I can only really dominate with Wreck-It Ralph. I have tried the other characters, and I can't carry my team alone. I literally tried and tried and tried and tried, it is impossible to solo 3 other players at once with any other character except Ralph. It is so weird how much I carry, even when I am not playing Ralph, I still do basically all the work for my team. So when I had those screenshots of my team dominating, I am pretty much the one doing most of the work. Some games I have played, my team literally did nothing or they just died a bunch, while I dominated the enemy and my entire team didn't get a single point or kill from them, seriously. I played a game today as a character other than Ralph, and it was literally a 2 vs 3 game, where one of my teammates just stood in the base the whole game, and me and the other guy were getting the points, and we won.

It really frustrates me when I get bad teammates or when I play as a character not Ralph and do so much work to try and win, but the Ralph on the enemy team always dominates me regardless of what I try. There is not a single character that can beat him in one on one, on any ability. His basic attack is a ranged attack that has like a 33% chance to do double the damage, no other character has that chance, and it goes through enemy units. Like you can hit 3 people at once with his basic attack, there is no other character who's basic ranged attack can do that, other character's attacks hits one person and it disappears, his can hit 3 people and it's really strong. Then Ralph's hitpoints are extremely high, he is basically unkillable. Lastly, his ultimate ability makes him invulnerable for 10 seconds while doing a massive amount of damage, now that is very overpowered.

That's how I am able to dominate and carry as Ralph. I am so confident pretty much no one can kill me in the game and I can instead kill a bunch of players who attack me, that I waltz into the enemy base and territories all the time without any fear. I try that with other characters, but if I get ambushed as another character, I am dead. If I get ambushed as Ralph, I win, even against 3 players sometimes. He is that overpowered.

But yeah, 37 wins to 1 loss. How come I dominate in these games that I play? I am one of the top players on Habitica, another game I play. I was rank 1 in the entire game for a few hours in this game called Granage last year and was rank 2 for many days before that, and top 5 for a few weeks or something, even though I was brand new to the game. And in Heroes of the Storm, I have like a 77% win rate with Li Li where pretty much every game I joined I won. In Warcraft 3 at my peak, I had an account with 36 wins and 6 losses in Random Team, 6 wins 0 losses in solo, and 3 wins 0 losses in Free For All, so 45 wins to 6 losses and that's an 88% win rate at my peak. I really don't know how I dominate so much, I just take actions which seem obvious to me in these games, I really should be more like that in real life, but it's a lot harder. I do a lot of things which hinder me such as spending hours doing "that" or watching anime, eating so much food so that I don't lose weight, and heck even playing video games in itself is a huge waste of time.

I probably shouldn't be comparing myself to Athene, because that guy is rank 1 in pretty much every game he plays including many of the top games ever. He was rank 1 in World of Warcraft, rank 1 in Diablo 3, rank 1 in League of Legends, rank 1 in the most popular game out right now in mobile, I don't remember what it was called. At my age he won some poker tournament or something. I can't relate to him because I am not rank 1 in most games I play, but just one of the top players in most games I play somehow. I don't even realize how good I am sometimes.

I have a friend that when they described how I played Gears of War back in middle school, they said I was "soooo good, omg so good" and they were basically extremely admiring in how I played. Another event I remember is when I went to this Halloween party back in 2018 maybe, and a friend there said they had Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and he described how I played was like the best ever. He started warning everyone else at the party that I was unbeatable. Really? I didn't even know that about me. Basically I got these exceptionally very big compliments from friends who played with me and saw me play in these video games, they basically thought I was the best player in these video games, while I didn't even think I was so good in them.

Anyway I am watching this video from A-Bas-Le-Ciel in which he describes some realizations he went through as he was going through college. As just a student going through school, he learned he was more educated and had read far more content on his major of Buddhism than even his professors who had a phd in the topic. It seems like this guy is just bragging, but he is a credible source as he was a Buddhist himself, made over 70 videos on Buddhism, and he is an intellectual in a broad range of topics, wrote dozens of published essays, and so on. This guy spends most of his time reading books and making videos about his opinions on things, he is a very intellectual guy. He said it was sad realizing he was at the top of his field, it was not a happy realization for him.

I am also not trying to brag about my high win rates in these games, but I'm just saying, these win rates are pretty crazy and unbelievable. Like, how was I able to do this? Also I forgot, there was even this game called Bike Racer, it was brand new in 2012. I became rank 1 in that game for that era. You can search for the video "Rank 1 in Bike Racer" and that should be a video of me reaching rank 1 in that game, uploaded by MeggsRandomVideoTube. Meh, these are just random life events. I think these games are all pretty meaningless in the end and my high rankings in them are also meaningless.

There are probably just people who become exceptional in some things just because. Like in anything there will always be average, above average, and below average. I don't believe in talent at all, I believe more in the deliberate practice mindset, but it is weird how I was able to excel in these games while others weren't able to. I am bad at a lot of things that other people are good at, I realize that for sure. Like I am not able to draw that well, even though I want to. I am not super fit and super attractive, while other people are. Somehow though, I am exceptional at some games for a brief period of time. It is folly to think that I'd excel against any other generation or that I'd always be exceptional, because that is never the case for anyone.

Anyway I did 100 push ups today and 200 sit ups. I ate too much though, and I weighed a lot today, 205 pounds, but I looked in the mirror and I don't think I look any fatter. I think it's water weight or muscle gain or weight of food in my stomach and guts, and it's probably best I stop eating for a few days. AJN messaged me today saying she wanted to visit again on Thursday so that's going to happen.

This morning I read this children's book I have with my tutor in Spanish. I can barely understand the book to be honest, even though it's a book for kids. There's so many words and things that I don't understand in the book. It's so weird. I can communicate pretty well in Spanish to express my ideas and whatnot, and I can understand people based on the context of our conversation, but here's a book with so many words I don't know. Like every other word is basically a word I don't know.

I did "that" today and took a nap afterwards. That took up so much of my time and energy. Why am I doing this to myself? I honestly believe I'd be a lot further in life if I weren't so addicted to doing "that" all the time. It so shameful.

I also worked a bit. And I walked outside. And now I spent a few hours writing this journal entry. So that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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