Jan. 4, 2022

Normal Day, Started playing Richest Hobo CEO game and got Rank #38

2:12 AM (of Wednesday, January 5th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, January 4th 2022 and it was a normal day today. I woke up, did my normal morning routine. I had my Spanish lessons, I played the game Disney Melee Mania again and I think won every match again, and I did 130 push ups during each intermission. Oh, I also recorded 6 of my games onto my computer. I just wanted to record it to show how overpowered Ralph was. In one video, I fought against 3 people at the same time, defeated them all, and defeated 2 of them again a second time after they resurrected and got full health, but one was able to defeat me. I mean that's crazy, 5 kills going against 3 people at the same time. Ralph is extremely overpowered.

I didn't record the previous game before that though, when I literally the whole game was just running around not even hitting anyone. Oh yeah, that's a new thing I started doing, where if the enemy team doesn't have another Ralph, I would not even fight back unless we were losing badly. A bunch of my games recently didn't have a Ralph on the enemy team, so I literally wouldn't even fight them back. I would just run around the map collecting gems, and that was it. We still won those games somehow, because of my team I guess, and because of my gem collecting.

I worked a little bit today. Not much. I feel really lazy about work. Work is kind of tiring. I have to actually use my brain to think about solutions to stuff, and it's just so annoying, right? Anyway I worked a little bit today, maybe for an hour.

Oh yeah I went to Mama Pacha's today too, vegan restaurant, and I ordered by texting them and telling them my order and then driving over. Apparently they use Uber Eats, so I might just order from them like that in the future, because it was kind of annoying driving over there to get that order. I went to the Acai place nearby too, and got an Acai bowl and dragon fruit bowl. These meals were great. Super healthy and nutritious. I'm probably going to order the same thing tomorrow. Another person said she wanted to go to a restaurant with me, and I texted her if she wanted to go tomorrow back on Sunday, and she hasn't replied yet. So I might be going on another date tomorrow, but who knows.

The best thing about today though is I started this game called Hobo CEO. I was bored and searched for "Life Simulator" games where you start as a baby or something and go through life. Hobo CEO was one of those games, and I think it's the best one I have played. It is actually a really hard game to start with if you don't know the strategy. After many playthroughs of starting and dying and starting and dying, I figured out the best way to play the game. I built basically the best character, and yeah I have almost the most efficient build possible. I did mess up by buying this upgrade I didn't need, but other than that, to my knowledge, it's the perfect build.

Like other games that I wrote about yesterday, I somehow got into the top rankings of this game. Oh yeah, there's also Beat Saber. I don't think I was ever too good at that, I was never able to complete like the top 7 or so hardest songs in the entire game, but I still got to a pretty high level I guess.

Yeah, today I got to rank 38 in this game. That is pretty crazy. I want to get into the top 10 at least, but it will be impossibly hard. Actually, at this point in the game, i am basically on the way to get to the top, but it's annoying having to tap so much. I had to tap the screen at least tens of thousands of times, because you have to tap the screen to do stuff, and some things like buying things in the game you have to tap the screen a bunch of times to buy and it's so annoying.

So I went online and I ordered an "auto tapper" which can tap 30 times a second. This will really help out. I also used real cash to give me an advantage in the game. I spent $20 of real money on the game to give me 120 years of extra lifespan, because I really needed it. There is basically no other reason to use real money in the game except for the lifespan and maybe the extra in-game million dollars of money, but that amount becomes almost negligible in the end game, I have around $65 billion or so, and at that level a single million is basically negligible. So the only thing the $20 is great for, is the 120 years lifespan.

But yeah, with this auto tapper, I think I can gain Rank #1 in these leaderboards. I am currently rank #38.

Written by JustMegawatt

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