Jan. 6, 2022

snow squalls

Shortly after I sat down at my computer this morning, an infernal siren blared from every cell phone in the house. I thought it was an amber alert. Instead, it was a winter weather advisory, warning of snow squalls and possible near-zero visibility until 10:30 am.

“Guess I’m not going out until 10:30 am,” I said. (This was facetious. I never go out for walks that early.)

Roommate said: “Isn’t it kind of fucked that we get alerts for children who get abducted, but not adults?”

Winter has come in force. I checked the weather before heading out for my afternoon walk: 11 degrees, with snow showers and a windchill of -9. My roommate suggested not leaving the house. I was too stubborn to take that advice, but I didn’t do my usual 20-minute circuit to the train station, just a short 10-minute stroll around the subdivision. RIP my pokestop-of-the-day streak.

“It’s cold out there,” I said as I came in.

“No fucking shit!” said my roommate. “You absolute goof!”

I’m glad we understand each other. I’m also very glad I’m working from home and don’t have to set out for work just past sunrise in -9 windchill.

Written by Achaius

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