Jan. 5, 2022

Another Normal Day, Got to Rank #3 on Richest Hobo CEO

8:56 AM (of Thursday, January 6th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, January 5th 2022 and it was another normal day today. I played Disney Melee Mania in the morning and did 100 push ups again and this time I didn't dominate melee mania as usual. I stopped trying so much and just started playing around too much I guess, or maybe Ralph was nerfed a bit, and my win rate today was probably like 50% or something like that, and that's really really bad from someone that formerly had a 97% win rate and wins basically all their games, it's a shock to even lose a game, let alone 50% of my games.

The other woman I was texting who were were supposed to go to a restaurant today, she didn't message me back. She said she really wanted to back on Sunday and she gave me her schedule, but now I guess she changed her mind? Or maybe she's busy now? I don't know.

Because of this and because I didn't want to drive anywhere nor did I want to make food in, I downloaded Uber Eats and Door Dash to get some nice vegan foods, but there weren't that many vegan restaurants on there that were close enough for delivery. I could have just ordered vegan food from other non-vegan restaurants but I'd honestly rather give my money to purely vegan businesses, I tip very generously at these places like 20% to 30% too. Anyway I ordered some food from this place called Sabia's Plant Based Eatery, but it turns out they weren't open today, probably holiday still for them, so I just ordered some Acai from an unfamiliar Acai place, and this place sucked. They filled up the bowl with only like 50% of what I normally get, and it was not worth it at all. It's better to just drive to my local Acai place and get acai there, although it's annoying having to drive there even though it's only like 3 minutes away.

Because the Acai wasn't much, and because Mama Pacha's wasn't on Uber Eats or Door Dash, I just went there in person after texting them my order again.

I listened to the audiobook Flash Boys on the drive there and I had this idea for awhile that I meant to write about, but I found these characters in the book exciting and I want to be a character in a book like this someday. It sound like a fiction, one of these main characters in the book was Brad Katsuyama and the author describes him as graduating top of his class in high school, top of his class in college, and also running a 4.5 second 40 yard dash in high school being scouted by coaches, like is this a fiction book I am reading? He is so remarkable he sounds like a fictional character and those accomplishments unreal.

Another character from the book was Sergey Aleynikov who came to the U.S. as an immigrant from Russia, took a picture of a bunch of sausages because he had never seen that many before in Russia, sent them to his mom bragging, had some profound realizations about food and became a vegetarian, started his first job for IDT for $8 an hour initially and then became head of technology at the company and had a $250k salary, he got married and had 3 kids, and then he was hired by Goldman Sachs after being interviewed for a few days by a dozen people. That's basically the part I'm up to now, but I'm very impressed by these people and their accomplishments.

I really admired these characters a lot. They really do sound like fictional characters the way the author Michael Lewis portrays them. Will I ever do anything remarkable in my life, enough to warrant some book with me being one of the main characters? I like how in the book these characters have their own backgrounds and stories, and then they do something remarkable or something, or they meet up with other characters in the book. The commonality is these guys didn't start at the top of their area of expertise, but they somehow got there. I don't remember the guy's name, but he was the foremost expert on computer hardware and speed, and he basically got there through coincidences and getting assigned those kinds of jobs and clients that got him more work and knowledge in that area.

What string of coincidences will lead to me being in some remarkable tale in the future?

I played Hobo CEO again and got to rank #14 legitimately, just tapping a bunch on the screen by hand. I did order an auto tapper so it can tap 30 times per second for me, but I got this better idea today. I can just download an auto clicker, and I can also just download the app on my computer since it is possible to download iPhone and iPad apps onto a Macbook from the app store, so that's what I did. I had to start from scratch though, and I bought the $20 game boost again so I could live to 120 years. With the auto clicker, I was able to click 50 times per second and I left it on while I watched anime. Even though I started from scratch, I caught up and surpassed my old rank #14 record within a few hours, although to be honest I also only just played it for a few hours legitimately to get rank #14.

Is it cheating to use an auto clicker? I don't see how the rank #1 or rank #2 person got there without using one, because they have had to tap like a million times by hand, and I don't see that being possible. So anyway, I got to rank #3 before going to sleep. While having the auto clicker on, I was watching the anime Erased and Spirit Chronicles, and I had already seen Erased before, and my original opinion from a few years ago was that it sucked. I still have the same opinion today, it sucked, the ending sucked, the story sucked, I didn't like it. For Spirit Chronicles, I saw the entire Season 1 and I liked it, and continued with the manga. Okay apparently where Season 1 ends, crappy stuff starts happening in the manga, overall I think the story was good only up until the end of Season 1, and then it starts to suck.

I did "that" too, probably twice. I didn't work that much, but I was asked by a client how my book was doing, because I told them about the book I'm working on, well, that my ghost writer is working on, but I didn't tell them that. It should probably be done by the end of this month. And yeah that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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