Jan. 6, 2022

Second Entry

Unfortunately, while I think the idea behind this website is pretty neat, I'm not ...excited to get on here and log anything?

If anything, I've shifted my focus from being about what I have or haven't done today, this week, this month, etc., to what makes me happy doing it. I think my general happiness and comfort is more important then whether or not I was "productive" every day, and marking what I accomplish every day, regardless of how small the task, is marking how productive i was or wasn't each day. That doesn't bring me joy.

So I don't know how much im going to use this website, since I like journaling by hand more than not. I know it's worse in some ways for the environment, (depending on where i get my paper from, and what other materials I use,) but it brings me more joy than typing my feelings into a computer. This goes for almost all kinds of writings for me. I prefer writing it physically first, and generally type it up for other's eyes.

It's been quite the year of self discovery.

Written by kdelz

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