Jan. 7, 2022

Went to some waterfalls, minor car accident

12:16 AM (of Saturday, January 8th 2021)

I am so sleepy as I write this. But yeah basically I went over to some waterfalls today with AJN and RadicallyWild and on the way home I got into a minor accident at night and we went to the police and it was determined I was at fault, so I have to file an insurance claim tomorrow or Monday, depending on when my insurance company is open. It was really minor by the way, there was basically no damage at all to my car, and same for the other car, the woman complained like "look at these scratches" and I literally just rubbed it off by wiping it with my fingers, like there was basically very small damage to both cars, almost nothing.

4:48 PM (of Saturday, January 8th 2021)

*Yawn* I woke up randomly pretty early as I write this (on January 8th 5 AM, but this entry is for Friday, January 7th), and I did some minor work such as sending my invoice over and reading some emails that I have to reply to when I'm ready, and I will be ready after verifying some information. I usually do not wake up so early randomly, I usually sleep through 6 to 8 hours, usually 6 hours, often 7 hours, rarely 8, and wake up feeling fully rested.

To start from the beginning, today is January 7th 2022 and I woke up at around 7 AM today. There was no Internet today, but I remember watching Initial D before going to sleep at around 11, so Internet was working then. I told my Spanish tutor that Internet wasn't working for me, and AJN and I walked outside for around an hour. When we came back home, Internet still wasn't working, and it wouldn't work until around 10 AM. I did a bit of work, and then AJN and I decided to hang out with RadicallyWild today, so we drove over to Manati again.

He still wasn't at the meeting spot, so we went into Marshall's first. I bought a water thermos there, and then looked for where AJN was, she was in the back looking for some water, and there was also the snack section there. I ended up buying a lot of their vegan snacks, just a bunch of many random ones. It's so weird how department stores have a bunch of health snacks like dried persimmons, dried passion fruit, and a bunch of unhealthy but vegan snacks like oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and Bobo's bars, edamame chips. In fact most of the snacks there were vegan and said it right on the packaging, and I ended up buying a lot of their snacks. It would turn out this is all we would eat for the entire day today since we would be out in the wilderness until night time.

Anyway we met up with RadicallyWild and he put a bunch of his stuff in my trunk. Then we drove off to go to that first place I described the other day with the large and deep pool of water. It's almost like a tiny lake, it's so big and deep. I described the water as being like 40 deep before, but it's honestly probably deeper than that. Anyway we hung out there, that's where my 3rd picture is taken. We went over the rocks and stuff again, and it was much easier for me this time being my second time around. I was able to navigate through pretty easily.

The next place we went to was these waterfalls pictured. Now that place was fun. We hung out there for several hours just swimming and going around the two waterfalls that were right there. It was so much fun. There's even a 40 foot jumping point, though honestly it might be a bit higher. It is visible in my second photo, a bit above and to my left of where I am in that second photo, there is that open white spot. That should be more than 40 feet drop from that to the water below it and RadicallyWild jumped off of that point. I didn't even try, I knew I wasn't going to do it. He said he just started running and jumped without even looking down, because if he did he would have probably stopped jumping. Omg it's so high up.

There was this random tourist from Budapest, Hungary that came by there too, and he recorded me doing a jump from a small cliff there with his go pro. The waters here are 40 feet deep too, I cannot reach the bottom. Also, it's scary not knowing what's down there, but there's probably nothing. There were a few people that came and went there while we were hanging out there for a few hours.

After that we drove RadicallyWild back to Manati, and then AJN and I drove home. Very close to where I lived, I got into that accident. The woman was really serious about it even though it was less than a fender bender, there was no dent or anything although she kept insisting there was. Also the scratches were rubbed off extremely easily without even being wet. I have basically no marks on my car after wiping it, and same with hers. She still insisted we go to the police station though where we waited for an hour or two, and it was determined I was at fault, so I hope it's just an infraction, but anyway I have to contact my insurance company and file a claim now. At least I'm learning how to do that for the first time.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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