Jan. 9, 2022

Day 1 of 14 of Water Fasting

10:40 PM

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and it was the first day of my water fasting. I did some minor stuff in the morning and then walked for 30 minutes outside with AJN. Then I had my 1 hour Spanish lesson. After that I played Disney Melee Mania for a bit, winning 3 games for the event, I need to win 3 games every day basically until this game event is over to win all the awards, so I am doing that. Then we went out to Costco, I bought another backup battery and some other things. Went to Wal-Mart next, mainly to buy new sink strainers for the kitchen sink, also bought vinegar and baking powder.

The rest of the day I was in my office room mainly, lying down on a yoga mat on the ground, either watching some anime or reading some manga. I planned on writing my journal entries from back in December with Eda but I was so freaking tired. Everything I did in the morning were "tasks" that had to be done, and I was so burnt out after that.

I signed up for CrunchyRoll because they had Spanish dubs for some anime, so I wanted to watch anime that way.

I also discovered this random keyboard called the CharaCorder keyboard which allowed people to type over 500 words per minute, which to me as someone who wanted to be the fastest typist in the world at one point became really interested in. I ordered one and to ship to Puerto Rico it's $60 so I had to pay over $300 for mine. It won't even ship out until February and it apparently takes a few months of 1 hour practice every day to learn.

I really enjoy this website and writing my journal entries and having people read them. It gives my life some sort of meaning, and if I didn't have these journal entries to write I would feel like my life being lived is just being wasted and there was no story to tell from it. As I write, at least the events I'm living are recorded and not forgotten.

Anyway that was my day today, quickly summed up. I could write in so much detail about a bunch of stuff but I'm really not in the mood for that right now.

Written by JustMegawatt

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