Jan. 11, 2022

Day 3 of 14 of Water Fasting, Called Insurance Company Got Claim #

5:46 AM (of Wednesday, January 12th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, January 11th 2022 and it was my third day of water fasting. I woke up and did a lot of tasks such as my daily pictures and also writing yesterday's entry. Then I recreated the 10 day challenges on Habitica, after that I asked AJN if we could walk for an hour, but she says she didn't sleep all night since she was on talking on the phone, so I did some other tasks and just moved things around in real life.I drank a bunch of water and coconut water, then had my hour of Spanish lessons. I'm starting to understand Spanish better when listening to others speak it, although it's still difficult most of the time.

After Spanish, I called my insurance company again and they would place me on the queue to speak with a representative for 20 minutes before someone would pick up, and they would only speak Spanish, so they would say that an English representative would call me back, but I didn't trust that they would because they said that yesterday. So I would call them back directly after, get in touch with a Spanish-only speaker again, and so on and so forth. Meanwhile the person I got into an accident with texted me after I got into a call with them asking how the claim process was going.

At around 12 PM my boss/client texted me to call him, so I called him and we chat about stuff that happened to me recently including me having to call insurance companies. I told him about all the other paperwork and stuff I have to fill in and send over like my company's revenue for last year, in order to renew my business license for this year, and that I had to apply for a new driver's license because they got my address wrong and how I got that new license yesterday, and so on. Then we talked about work and what I was up to. I explained what happened in the meeting yesterday and the tasks I was working on, I am working on multiple projects so I asked him to give me some time to work on this current project today and tomorrow and finish it, then we can discuss this other project on Thursday, he agreed.

I also sent my insurance company an email saying I would just come in person, because the person I got into an accident with recommended that. Around 1 PM though, an English caller did call me and I was finally able to get the next steps. My policy at this company only covers damage to my car, which was negligible, and that I had to call this other company I somehow had insurance was and didn't know about for claims on the other person's vehicle. The damage to her car was also negligible as well to be honest. So I did that, called up this other insurance company, and they finally got everything set up, and they asked me to email them photos of the accident and other documents, so I did that, and I gave her my reference number, so now I am done with all this for now.

The rest of the day until 7 PM I don't remember much. I did some work, read some manga, browsed the Internet, and took a nap, and ate nothing the whole day except drank some coconut water and regular distilled water made from my water distiller. At 7 PM though, AJN and I walked outside for two hours until after 9 PM, then we went back home.

I went to my room and browsed the Internet some more, did "that" again though I probably should stop since I'm fasting. Oh wait, I also went on Veggly (dating app for veggies) and "teleported" my account to Reston Virginia, city where I used to live and where my parents live nearby to, so I could match with people there and go out with them if I visited in a few months. I super liked a lot of women and sent them messages, and I only got like two likes back out of 6 or 7 people that saw the super like and message. At first it was 0 out of 3 or 4 that saw it and didn't like back and I got really depressed, but a few hours went by and I got some new likes, so that cheered me up and I felt a bit better.

Anyway that was pretty much my whole day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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