Jan. 13, 2022

Day 5 of 14 of Water Fasting, Did Everything Today

10:24 PM

Oh yeah. Today has been a complete day. I was awake until around 5 AM last night browsing the Internet and working on things, mainly browsing the Internet. I knew there was some work for me due today and I stayed up late so I could work on them. At 5 AM however, I was exhausted and I decided to take a nap before proceeding further. I wanted to just take a short nap, but I ended up falling asleep until around 7:30 AM, then I messaged my tutor saying I was too sleepy and we could continue tomorrow, then I fell asleep further until around 9 AM. So I had only 4 hours of sleep the whole day.

After that I just worked for many hours, and explained to the client my findings in an email. They said they wanted to discuss it in a meeting, so we set one up. I'm still fasting so literally nothing but water, but AJN did make "oat water" last night, which is basically oat milk. She taught me how to make oat milk too, just take some oats and water, and put them in a blender, and that's it. I didn't know it was that simple. But oat water is different, she sifted out the oats so it was just water, although I would say there were still some tiny pieces of oats that got through and it still looked a lot like oat milk. It tasted very good though.

I worked on some business stuff too, then my electricity went out around 30 minutes before the meeting would start, and that also wiped out my Internet. So I used the hotspot on my phone to sign into my work email on my laptop so I could email them that I probably wouldn't be able to make the meeting. Just 3 minutes before the meeting though, the electricity went back, so I emailed them that new info and we started the meeting. I explained my findings and how to fix it, and it was fun talking to my clients again after a long time.

After that, AJN and I went to the beach and chilled there for a bit, swam a bit. We came back home, walked outside for two hours and did 10 push ups and 20 sit ups. I was so freaking exhausted by the way, but wow, we did it all. It is such a great feeling of accomplishment having done all this today. This is my 5th day on basically nothing but water, although arguably I got some blended oats in, it's mainly water. She also gave me tea today, and I had some coconut water some days. Also I took a cold shower after all that, because I just came from the beach and a 2 hour walk, and that felt refreshing. It's a nice way to end a great day.

Honestly I would write in so much more detail like I usually do, but I am so freaking sleepy right now. I am so tired. 5 days of basically nothing but water, and 2 hours of walking every day except yesterday, I didn't do anything yesterday.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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