Jan. 14, 2022

Day 6 of 14 of Water Fasting, Started Mobile Legends Got 75 Kills 0 Deaths First Time

7:41 AM

I still don't know how much I weigh but I should be the lightest today that I have been this year and last year. I feel lighter. Doing a water fast is certainly not hard at all after the first 3 days, I am not feeling hungry or desire food all that much anymore, which is great. Once this fasting is over, I want to eat in much smaller portions anyway. I was very tired and exhausted last night, but going to sleep fixed it all. I am now feeling refreshed again.

10:15 PM

The rest of the day I basically just worked and napped and walked outside for a bit. AJN walked outside for over 2 hours because she wanted to go to some park, I walked with her like 25% of the way before going back home because I had a meeting to attend. The meeting was the shortest one in my life though, we just talked about an issue I fixed today, a little bit about the other issues, and that was basically it.

So I was dominating again in Disney Melee Mania winning every game today and not losing a single one. I probably played over 30 games today. They don't save any win/loss records or else seriously, I think my record would be like, the best in the entire game.

So I got a little bit bored of Disney Melee Mania and I looked at the app store for more games. What about a game like Dota, I thought? So I just searched for "moba" which means "multiplayer online battle arena" which is the category that Dota fits in. Before the term moba, we used to call that genre "aos" as in "aeon of strife", there were many many games like Dota and we categorized them as "aos", like "let's play an aos" for example, but now people refer to it as "moba" so that's the new term.

Anyway, I downloaded the biggest moba on mobile, and it's called Mobile Legends. Well I didn't really know what to expect, I didn't expect to dominate so much in this game that's for sure. But yeah, I went through the tutorial, and then I played my first game, and I got like 16 kills 0 deaths in that first game. Yes, 16 kills and 0 deaths, and I got the award "God among men". I'm uploading all my screenshots for all of this so that it's proof this really happened. I randomly just chose the character Miya, and then I just played through normally, I wasn't an expert or knew how to play that well, I had never played as Miya before and this was literally my first online game in this game but somehow I was the best player in this game, I even got the MVP rank. Like wtf.

So I play two more games, and I get MVP rank in those games as well, I get the "God among men" ranking as well, and I get 17 kills and 0 deaths in that second game and another 16 kills and 0 deaths in my third game and got "Maniac" ranking which is somehow higher rank than "God among men". Like wtf. Wtf. This is my first time ever downloading and playing this game, I had basically never heard of it before this, and I did not expect to dominate so much. But yeah, I am getting records people only dream of. I mean you can see the other player's stats in the games, they have like 3 kills 2 deaths or 4 kills 1 death or 1 kill 4 deaths, like, very average scores. Meanwhile, I'm getting 16 kills and 0 deaths on literally my first time playing this. How.

Oh, and I viewed other player's profiles as well. Like, you have records and such recorded in your account, and my account is pretty dang phenomenal. Another fascinating fact is that you can actually upgrade your overall account so that you have an advantage the more you play, like you can make it so that you will have 1 HP regeneration and +10 extra damage along with extra health, and this is applied to your account so all your characters you play have this boost. Well, because that was my first game, I had no boost or anything in my character or account, and yet I dominated players that had these bonuses. Isn't that crazy? I got first place ranking in Richest Hobo game worldwide, and I won 30+ games in a row today in Disney Melee Mania, and today I downloaded this new game and dominated more experienced and better advantaged players. Like wtf.

Like I already explained before, it is a mystery to me how I dominate so much in a lot of things I do. I am just playing the game normally, I mean this is literally my first time ever playing it. Yet how the hell did I get 75 kills and 0 deaths my first day? My first 5 games I played in this game, I got 75 kills and 0 deaths. This is not including the AI matches and tutorial games of course, because those aren't tracked or recorded anyway. Just my first 5 real games against real players and I dominated. Dominated.

So in these games, there were times for sure when I went against more than one player at once. I went against 5 players at once in certain points. I killed one then I ran. I faced against 4 at once before, I got one and ran. I faced 3 at once before and my character was already buffed up at this point, and I knew those opponents were weaker, so I defeated them all. Yeah. So when I play the games, I am the top player in those games, meaning my hero is the most powerful, so like, I can confidently take on 2 or 3 players at the same time, because your character gets stronger the more kills you get, and I racked up the kills.

I actually played 2 more games, but my performance in them was subpar. I didn't get MVP for my 4th game and got 6 kills and 0 deaths, and for my 5th game I did get MVP again but I only got 12 kills and 0 deaths. Nothing amazing like my first 3 games in which I averaged 16.33 kills a game and 0 deaths. Oh, and because I was still in the "tutorial" phase when I played my first 3 games, it didn't save the replays for those games nor did it save the records in my account history. UGH!! I dominated so much in those games. I also got 3-4 likes in each of those games, but it didn't save any on my account!! Like wtf.

On the "Skill Graph", mine is maxed out. Like you know how some characters in fiction have like "S Rank" or whatever, my skill graph would be S rank because it's maxed out. Anyway, I think I am quitting this game, because I have this phenomenal record. Maybe I should keep playing though, because I have this phenomenal record?

The thing is, I doubt I can keep this up forever, and I am bound to lose a game at some point. These records aren't like boxing or chess either, because those are single player competitive games against one other person, while I am playing a team game and my own victory or defeat largely depends on my teammates' performance as well. I guess it's like soccer and basketball, team games, but you are assigned random teammates and honesty they have a chance of sucking and being terrible.

Oh yeah, and I haven't eaten anything in 6 days. I have mainly just been drinking water. Obviously I am tired and have far less energy than normal. I don't even know if I can run right now, I can walk though. I feel light headed and dizzy for a few seconds when standing up sometimes, Oh yeah I just tested that I can still run, I just stood up and jogged for a bit, but it tired me out fast. I wish people would stop eating animals.

All the screenshots except the last one are from the first 3 games only. My 4th and 5th games, even though I still dominated in them, they were mediocre compared to these first three games anyway, so no point in uploading all my records for them. I didn't know you could even save replays or else I would have saved the replays from my first 3 games.

Written by JustMegawatt

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