Jan. 15, 2022

Day 7 of 14 of Water Fasting, 190 lbs, waterfalls, 100+ bites from noseeums :(

12:05 AM (of Sunday, January 16th 2022)

Today is Saturday, January 15th 2022 and it was a good day today. I am covered in baking soda and I am very tired as I write this. I’m covered in baking soda because my entire body itches and I found online it was a good solution to stop the itching. Well, I certainly stopped scratching thanks to that because I can’t scratch through baking soda or else it will just go everywhere. Anyway since I’m really tired, I’ll just do a really quick summary and put up a bunch of photos that will hopefully each speak over a thousand words so I don’t have to.

I woke up to over 100+ new bites today. My entire body itched but I had no idea why, I would find out later though but I first suspected bed bugs. Apparently a lot of other people have experienced the same thing here, and it’s done by a bug called noseeums or no-see-ums and these guys are even worse than mosquitoes. I am pretty sure it was on Thursday when I got bit, and I felt it as I was getting bitten, but since I didn’t see any mosquitoes, I didn’t mind. Now I know they’re far worse than mosquitoes ever were. Anyway I wouldn’t even care about this until we went over to a river near evening and asked AJN to take a photo of my rashes and holy crap I was stunned I had so many.

Oh man I wrote a bunch but accidentally pressed cancel button so it all got erased. Dang it. I’m tired, I’ll edit this later with more text after I sleep and wake up again.

Written by JustMegawatt

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