Jan. 23, 2022

Done 14 day Water Fasting! I can eat again and weight loss results

11:56 AM (of Monday, January 24th 2022)

Today is Sunday, January 23rd 2022 and it's the end of my 14 day water fast today. I was awake until midnight and then ate some fruits like tangerines and oranges before going to sleep. When I woke up I ate more of the same, a bunch of oranges, tried out a bowl of dried sprouted oats, because I kept blending them up and making oat water the past week and it smelled so good. I ate some raspberries and blueberries. I ate an avocado, Some kiwis. And I think that was it.

The rest of the day I just stayed in my room, watching videos on YouTube, watching anime, basically just wasting my time. I even did "that" probably three times throughout the day, just an overall waste of a day. I could have worked on catching up on my journal entries which I was behind on, but no, I just didn't do anything the whole day.

AJN gave me a wake up call today, arguing with me that I wasn't taking care of myself because I wasn't drinking enough water and she was right. She was also right about me procrastinating and not doing anything productive even though I said I would. We drew tarot cards for me on Tuesday and I had the best card draws for me that described my life perfectly, knowing I should catch up on the work, and yet it's been a few days and I haven't really changed or worked on anything, if anything I procrastinated even more.

At least I lost some weight the past two weeks. I went from 199.8 pounds when I last went on the scale two weeks ago to 183.7 pounds today. So I lost around 16 pounds basically in two weeks after not eating anything. That's great. I'm actually planning on doing another two weeks of water fasting after we finish up all the fruits in the house. AJN says she want to do it with me again, but I don't know if she will. I am starting to feel a lot more full now even after eating just a small amount.

I feel pretty good, amazing. I can do pull ups now after jumping a lot more easily, although I still can't do a pull up from just a standing position. I think push ups are easier. Sit ups for sure are a lot easier. I can sit up now from a lying down position moving nothing except my torso and my arms. Planks are a lot easier. I can't really say I'm any faster at walking, but maybe it's a bit easier. Normally walking when I was 200 pounds, I would average 13 minutes per kilometer and I walked outside today, and it still took me 13 minutes to walk a kilometer. I didn't really power walk or anything, just normal walking, maybe I need to pick up my pace.

In theory I should be able to walk like 100k steps more easily now. My previous best was around 56k steps in one day. Now that I weigh less, in theory, I should be able to do even better than that without as much pain in my feet from walking. Because the reason I stopped last time was my feet got very sore. Like they just started to hurt a lot. I should be able to travel a further distance now without that happening. We'll see. I think I'll try that in the future sometime.

Overall the best part about this is my appearance improved. I feel pretty good and a lot more photogenic now. I am so glad I look good in photos now. I honestly wonder what I will look like when I'm at 150 pounds, because that's supposed to be the ideal weight for my height of 5'10, but I have never gotten to that weight in my entire life since middle school. I weighed 120 pounds in 4th grade as a fat kid, I was probably 180 pounds in middle school and 190 pounds in high school, 200 in college, 250 was my peak after college.

After eating, I got more energy right away. I no longer felt so fatigued and tired as I did when I was fasting. As I write this, I feel like running outside. I jump up whenever I stand up now.

My parents say I look perfect now, and they tell me not to lose anymore weight and that what I did was dangerous and it doesn't look good to be too thin. I disagree with them, I want to drop down to 150 pounds now. Will I look "too thin" at that point? I don't even know. I have never gotten to that weight before, so I am very curious about it.

I still have the noseeum bites from my post last Saturday. I had hundreds of them and they were bright red and visible last time. I am glad to report they are mostly faded now though. Some of them are dark brown now, or dark purple, slowly disappearing and fading I hope. There's no follow-up on any of the posts I've seen online of people getting hundreds of bites from noseeums, so I'm guessing they went away after a while. For sure they are gone from basically all parts of my body except my right stomach area, which is the area I scratched the most. I shouldn't have scratched it, I just hope they fade away with time too because it looks unappealing and is a confidence breaker on otherwise clear skin.

Anyway that was my day today. It was a complete waste of time day, but it's also the first day after my fast.

Written by JustMegawatt

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