Jan. 21, 2022

Day 13 of 14 of Water Fasting, Just Work

12:58 PM (of Monday, January 24th 2022)

Today is Friday, January 21st 2022 and it was a regular workday today. I felt pretty good today, lighter than ever. I did some laundry and decided to put on some of the fancier clothes I owned that were purposely a size too small for me before, so that it would motivate me to lose weight so I could fit into them. I bought these clothes months ago though, probably around August, maybe July, last year. Geez that was a while back, but it feels like yesterday.

Anyway I started trying out these clothes and AJN helped me wear them and look better in them. She pulled up my pants a bit more to push in my stomach a bit, and told me to put my shoulders back and chest forward. So I did that as subtly as I could. It looks legit though, right? I sent the photo off to a few people so I could get their feedback, including my parents. I think it's cool I even have anyone I can send selfies to for review. Anyway I got positive feedback from everyone.

I also sent it to Mimi. I allowed her to follow my old Instagram account with a bunch of old photos. So I sent her this today as an update on what I look like today. I also told her that I would be working until 6 PM today and then after that we could hang out again. That was the plan. I worked for a few hours, but also just watched some videos during that time. I also wanted to catch up on all the journal entries I was behind on, but I didn't.

There was also a meeting I had today, but I ended up taking a nap for too long and missing it. I only intended to nap for a few minutes, but I fell asleep for over an hour. I had a dream too, that the meeting was cancelled. I woke up though and saw the time, realized I missed it, and then sent an apology email. The person told me it wasn't too important to have made it since we would have only discussed one item anyway and we just did that over email instead. I submitted some fixes today and that was basically it.

After 6 PM I messaged Mimi again to see if she wanted to hang out again and play Valorant or another game. I told her that I could buy us whatever game she wanted to play on Steam too, so it didn't matter. It really didn't. I could buy whatever game for us to play and hang out in, and that was all fine for me. I could have bought her GTA V if she wanted, and that's a really awesome game. She said she could hang out for an hour or two before she had other friends to hang out with. Anyway I waited optimistically for that, but she ended up not showing up and apologized later she also ended up taking a nap. So we ended up not playing anything or hanging out together the whole day.

I think the rest of the night I just watched videos and maybe watched some anime. I could have gone outside and exercised, just walking around the neighborhood while listening to some audiobooks, but I made an excuse that because I was fasting, I couldn't do that. I definitely could have done it though, I mean fasting really doesn't feel that much different than a normal day, after the first three days. The first three days are the most brutal, then after that, from my experience, it doesn't feel any different.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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