Jan. 20, 2022

Day 12 of 14 of Water Fasting, Hung out with Mimi

2:33 PM (of Monday, January 24th 2022)

Today is Thursday, January 20th 2022 and it was a fun day today. I met someone new on Veggly! Her name is Mimi, or at least that's the pseudonym I'll use for her. We matched yesterday actually (Wednesday, January 19th 2022), and I messaged her last night before going to sleep. She replied a few minutes later but I was already asleep by then. I wouldn't reply until this morning, and she also replied just a few minutes later, and we basically chat and hung out for the whole day. Yeah, from my memory I thought we started talking and hanging out more in the afternoon, but I messaged her at 8 AM this morning and we basically chat for the entire day.

We talked about a lot of different subjects, I told her about how I lived in Puerto Rico and could fly wherever so I could probably visit her area some day and just get an Airbnb in her area or something. I was planning on probably visiting around that area anyway because I wanted to visit some Ivy League universities and other top universities in the northeast just for fun and to take pictures in. I'm really enjoying going out to random places and taking photos. It's a really fun activity. That's why I've been going to some waterfalls and rivers and other places of interest here basically every weekend, just for fun, exploration, and photos.

We talked a lot about veganism as well since we're both vegan. I told her about the 2 vegan hotels here and the 1 vegetarian (but it's basically vegan) hotel that we had here. It's pretty crazy we have two of these hotels here where all the food and products they have are vegan in these hotels. I think that should be the standard for every hotel. I also linked her a bunch of the vegan restaurants we had here, and there's a lot. We're the same age, but she's been vegan for 4 years longer than I have been, so she's been vegan for 13 years, same as my ex. I think it's a great sign of emotional intelligence and openness and individual thinking to go vegan at such a young age before majority of everyone else since even today most adults are still basically oblivious and ignorant on the topic despite causing suffering and killing animals every day.

So she let me follow her on Instagram, and we talked even more there. Yep, the whole we just spent chatting with each other. She says she plays games so I invited her to play a game with me on Steam later, and she suggested we could play Valorant later. I have never heard of it before this, it turned out not to be a Steam game, but I downloaded and played through the tutorial. It was basically a shooter game like Counter Strike, but it had special powers and abilities unique to each character, sort of like Overwatch. Some characters can spawn walls and others can teleport, others can jump super high, or shoot a radar shot that reveals players, and more.

Honestly, coming off Mobile Legends and Disney Melee Mania, I thought I would also dominate in this game as much as I did on those other games. It turns out, nope. I didn't dominate. I lost my first two games that I played, and it was hard. Maybe it was due to my lag? My skill level in this game wasn't so good, I sucked at this game. Anyway she gets on later and she's a very high level and a very skilled player from my perspective. She says she's not so good but she lead the team in score basically every game that I played with her. We still lost every game together though. I lost every single game I have played on Valorant so far.

Oh yeah, we added each other on Discord and we talked to each other that way. I had to go grab my headset from the living room which I haven't used in a long time and it was fun talking to her and hearing her speak. She sounded really attractive. I hope I sounded okay and that she had fun talking to me too, even though we mostly just talked about whatever currently happening in the games we were playing.

We also played Left 4 Dead 2 together, and that was fun. I used to play this game every Christmas and New Year's as a random tradition that started years ago. I think I did it initially out of boredom, like, I would celebrate New Year's with my parents, but there wasn't much to do before the countdown, so I just played that game and waited. I would put on some educational audiobook in the background while playing though of course, because the game becomes super repetitive after a while where you don't really need to hear any sound effects or music to play the game anymore. In Valorant though, listening to footsteps was a big part of the game. It's quite realistic in that way, and also in the way that you die after a few shots.

Imagine being a character in Valorant, where you have these special and unique abilities that no one else has, but when you die you don't resurrect. You worked hard and spent years training to become that proficient in those abilities and weapons. Then you just die after a few shots in some random skirmish and that's the end of life. I guess it's the same that way in real life too, like what happened to Christina Grimmie. She had 4 million YouTube subscribers (almost 5 million now) and several million views per video, born in the same year as me, we were in the same grade and I knew about her from back in high school. She had a concert one day, and then was shot once while signing an autograph and died. I think I could spend the remainder of my entire life making videos and probably never get 4 million subscribers. So all that work just gone in an instant.

Anyway I had a fun time with Mimi. I hope to talk to her some more over Discord and that we meet up in real life some day and visit some of those universities and go out on dates and have fun. I told her that we could play any game she wanted together, and I could buy any game for us to play. It's really all fine for me, I don't mind spending like $120 for two $60 game copies we play together as long as we spend some time together. I think it's more important to be stingy about time than money. Time can't be replaced, while money can be.

Anyway that was my day today. I had fun. It was a good day.

Written by JustMegawatt

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