Jan. 19, 2022

Day 11 of 14 of Water Fasting, Tarot Card Readings

5:26 PM (of Saturday, January 29th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, January 19th 2022 and I don't remember much from today. I can look at some pictures on my phone to see what happened today and if there was anything special. Okay, tarot cards. Yes, that was the main special thing about today.

Today was another day of fasting, so I didn't do anything most of the day. I probably worked a little bit, but most likely I mainly just played Disney Melee Mania. I quit Mobile Legends yesterday after getting a super high score of 30 kills 0 deaths in one game. I looked at all the top 10 players yesterday in the achievements leaderboard and none of them had 30 kills in a single game. I think the most I saw in a single game for them was like 23 kills in a single game. So I have a better KDA score than all these players in the top 10 who have played thousands, literally thousands, of games and have never gotten 30 kills in any single game. So that's when I quit, because I don't think I can ever replicate this score ever again, and I should quit while I'm ahead.

At night time, that's when I went into AJN's room, and she had these tarot cards out. I asked her if she could draw some cards for me, and she drew these cards. She asked me what I thought these meant to me, and it sounds weird but I was able to interpret and create a clear picture of my life from these cards. The cups picture with the octopus holding many things, represents the many things I have to do every day and all the responsibilities and things I have. The swords image with the swords stabbing the cliff of the temple and women jumping into the water, signifies that I should take the leap of faith into doing the things I'm afraid of doing, and that remaining in the temple in safety is actually more harmful than facing my fears.

The many women jumping into the water signifies the many goals and things I want to accomplish, just like the octopus holding the many different objects. The priestess and the discs signify renewal and abundance. The eye on the hand shows magic and that I am protected and lucky. The wands card shows that I am also protected with the wand and that I should face my fears and complete all the tasks and things that I'm behind on. The rainbow into the pot of gold signifies that I am lucky again. The lion shows that nature is on my side.

That's how I interpreted it. Now at the time when I had this reading, it was very significant to me. It really did show my life and all the things currently going on. I should definitely face my fears. I am definitely afraid of a lot of things, but I will want to face them at some point. Most likely once I'm caught up on all the things I'm behind on.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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