Jan. 27, 2022

No Water, Dropped off AJN, watched videos

7:15 AM (of Friday, January 27th 2022)

Today is Thursday, January 26th 2022 and I woke up at around 7 AM this morning. I got a decent amount done, I took my daily pictures, uploaded yesterday's photos, walked outside, won my 3 games in Disney Melee Mania, and so on. After that, the rest of the time, I didn't do much. I mainly just watched videos, A-Bas-Le-Ciel's channel on YouTube, and I watched some 1992 L.A. Riot videos. The riot videos were interesting, they occurred before I was even born, but people back then were very eloquent, I think much more eloquent than today, based on listening to some of the random interviews with people on the streets.

I played a few hours of Beat Saber, the battery died on me once. I didn't play online of course because I turned Wi-Fi off. I don't have any studies to back up my opinion on this, but I don't think it's a great idea to be wearing some powerful Wi-Fi Internet communications device so close to one's head, like right on top of one's head. So I turn Wi-Fi off whenever I play, hopefully that's enough and I don't get any radiation or whatever. Maybe I have to cover it in tin foil, which is actually aluminum foil. I'm not sure why it's still called tin foil when it's actually all aluminum. I don't think that's such a bad idea now considering how close these devices are to our heads and how much radiation they may emit. But maybe it might just trap the radiation there and actually make it worse?

I also went out to Home Depot so I could buy a new water thing for my toilet. Because mine doesn't flush properly sometimes.

I was very hungry throughout the day, probably because I did "that" so many times today and yesterday and the past full week. I have been doing "that" like 3 times a day on average and I have been exhausting myself. Anyway I wanted to eat some cooked foods, but AJN kept telling me no. I wanted to go to Mama Pacha's, vegan restaurant, because I was hungry for some cooked foods like their quinoa and hummus and she was like no. So I had a bunch of arguments and stuff with her. Later at night she said she wanted to go to the beach because there was some event there and live there for a bit, so I dropped her off there and it will be a while before I see her again.

Oh yeah we didn't have water throughout the whole day today, no waters from the faucets anyway. I was already prepared though, and have like 20-30 gallons of water saved up for this occasion. No problems.

I got a message from Habitica and someone beat my walking record the same day I set it last year. I will have to walk again and try to beat his record now. I think I'll walk out on Sunday.

I think that was all that happened today. That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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