Jan. 28, 2022

Bought some Acai Bowls, Worked a little

3:42 PM (of Saturday, January 29th 2022)

Today is Friday, January 28th 2022 and today was mostly another hedonistic day filled with pleasurable activities. I actually woke up today wanting to create a new video about seeing how much I could get done in a day, but for one reason or another I ended up not doing that. Why? I don't know. In the morning though, I bought some an amazing Acai bowl and Dragon Fruit bowl. I was the second person there when they opened, and the place was still completely empty, they were still just setting things up. After I ate the acai bowl and dragon fruit bowl, I felt super happy and satisfied, and energized, so ashamedly I did "that" again.

Then I just watched videos for hours, mostly a-bas-le-ciel videos while sort of working but not really. The videos were mostly about video games and how they were a waste of time. He has like 80+ videos on the topic and on average they're like 20+ minutes long and very entertaining. Ironically I played Disney Melee Mania while listening to his videos in the background, and I would win every single game. I now have every character unlocked and I have a high level for every character, I'm proficient with every character. Still, I realize this is all a waste of time, even if I am the self-proclaimed champion of this game. I mean there's no ranking system or anything, but I win every game I play by a huge margin, so if there was a ranking system and a win/loss tracking system, I think I would be in the top spot.

I also worked a little bit like I mentioned. I had a meeting at 5 PM and that was also pretty quick. I really need to finish up these work items and it's not like there's a lot, there's really not that many items. Only like 3 items remaining, and I should be able to get them done in a single weekend if I really just fully concentrated on those items.

After the meeting, I washed the acai and dragon fruit bowls I had, and then brought them back to the Acai place to order another acai bowl and dragon fruit bowl, and I asked them to re-use these plastic cups I brought. Because I hate how they always give a new plastic cup for every bowl I order, when I can just re-use the same. So that's what I asked them to do, and they were reluctant to re-use it, but they did.

At home, I did "that" again and then ate the acai bowl and dragon fruit bowl. At around 7 PM or so, I fell asleep while listening to an a-bas-le-ciel video about video games. I decided that for tomorrow though, I would completely change and actually start that video I wanted to start, with me doing productive things throughout the day.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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