Jan. 29, 2022

Recorded a Video on Being Productive for a Full Day

4:12 PM

Whew. Today has been busy! I woke up at around 2 AM. I was still really sleepy at that time, so all I did was take some daily photos for the day, and then went back to sleep. I woke up for real at around 7:30 AM, and basically initially just used the bathroom and won my three games in Disney Melee Mania. After that, I came up with a to do list for things I wanted to get done for the day, and then I went to my office and started recording a video. I talked about how I wanted to be productive for the whole day today, and that I was going to be working for the whole day today.

Since this morning I have been active and doing things for the whole day. I started with doing the laundry, and while that was going on I trimmed my beard, brushed my teeth, took a shower, did 110 push ups, did 100 sit ups, and paid off my bills. After the laundry was done, I moved the clothing from the washing machine into the dryer, and then I went out to Frescura Vegan Kitchen and got some nice meals there which I brought home and ate. Then I finished up the laundry, hung up some clothes, folded others, and made my bed. Then I walked outside for an hour, washed the dishes, and now we're caught up to right now where I'm writing these journal entries.

If I am being honest, I am feeling a little bit tired. I want to just take a break and take a nap or something. So far I have done more today than basically the whole week last week. Do I want to continue writing my previous journal entries? To be honest, not really. To be honest, I would rather just take a nap right now. But for the sake of the video, I have to keep on working, to see how much I can get done. It is just a little tiring.

5:12 PM

I just came back from taking a nap and watching some videos and eating the remainder of the food I bought today. I didn't want to eat the food, but I just did anyway. Oops? I still have my journal entries to write, so off I go to write them.

11:37 PM

I just finished recording the final clip. I just need to get Final Cut Pro now so I can edit together all the footage. I have never used Final Cut Pro before but pretty much everyone uses it, and they say it's the best, so I might as well learn. You can apparently do everything on it, so that's cool. I'm excited to learn how to use it.

Written by JustMegawatt

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