Jan. 6, 2022

Picked up AJN

7:59 PM (of Saturday, January 29th 2022)

Today is Thursday, January 6th 2022 and I don't remember much from today. Looking at some pictures I took, it looks like I went to Mama Pacha's today. Looking at some text messages, I picked up AJN today, at night. I went over to Old San Juan to a motel there where her friends were staying, and picked her up. She came home with me, unpacked, and I told her she could have one of the entire rooms I wasn't using. At this time I was still just sleeping on a yoga mat on the floor despite having a futon in the living room, and an actual king sized bed in another room, but I pretty much never sleep there. So I gave her that entire bedroom.

That's pretty much all I remember from today unfortunately. When so much time has passed, I really don't remember much else from the day unless I look at pictures and text messages and other related historical content. I think that's why it's important to write a journal entry the same exact day the day occurred.

Written by JustMegawatt

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