Dec. 16, 2021

Went out to Condado with Eda, Watched Movies, Had Fun

9:29 PM (of Saturday, January 29th 2022)

This is an 18+ only entry, read this only if you are 18 and older.

Today is Thursday, December 16th 2021 and it was my second day with Eda visiting. In the morning, we went out to walk out in the neighborhood. I usually walk around this H shaped neighborhood in the same pattern for an hour a day, and Eda and I walked around it in the same way. She got bored after a lap or two though, and suggested we walk outside instead. So we exited the neighborhood and started walking outside. Even I haven't done this alone before, because I generally didn't feel safe walking outside in a high traffic area with hundreds of cars passing by every few minutes.

We walked outside and walked by some "gated" apartments or condominiums that had that entire gated community setup, but their barrier gate arm was broken, and the gate was missing, so anyone could just drive in. We passed by this abandoned house. We went close to it and sort of went in, but didn't really, because there might actually be homeless people living there. There was a bunch of graffiti sprayed on it. There was also an abandoned restaurant we passed by, we didn't approach that one, and we passed by a lot of other businesses too, which I drive by often. The road was noisy and loud with the cars passing by, but we just kept on walking. Eventually we made a turn down some random street I've never been to before, and there wasn't anything there, we turned around eventually.

We took an alternate route home, going through the "back roads" instead of the main road with the noisy traffic. It was a quieter route. We passed by a guy who started yelling something at us in Spanish, but we just continued walking. I am pretty sure I knew what he said, and it wasn't anything bad. Eventually we arrived at home again.

Based on some pictures on my phone, we ate some mangoes and shared an avocado together, I ate half while she ate the other. I think I put on some anime on the TV here so we could watch. I started telling her my theories on how every anime nowadays was about "isekai" or "going to another world" and it would star some character that was overpowered in some way. I wrote a parody light novel fiction back in 2019 called "Isekai wa Overpowered" and it's on the site ScribbleHub, based on how overpowered these isekai characters were starting to become back in the day. I just gave the main character of that story literally the ability to do anything, like he was basically God, he could create matter and erase matter, and cast any spell imaginable, and so on as like a 3 year old. It's a satire but it probably doesn't read that way.

Anyway I think I put up the anime "World's Finest Assassin Reincarnates as an Aristocrat in another world", yeah super long name. Oh, I remember I showed her the beginning of the anime "High School Prodigies have it easy in another world!" because that show was ridiculous, it just had these characters who were all high school students who all were in Japan and all lived in Tokyo I think, and they were the "best in the world" at every subject. Like the best businessman in the world is a high school student, the best inventor is some high school student, the best politician is some high school student, and so on. The show isn't satire, or is it? It's really hard to tell.

She took a cold shower, because I only have cold water. I'm pretty sure we made out and cuddled a bunch of times too in the morning. Oh yeah, we did. We did "that" in the afternoon and lasted a while. That was so much fun. I still remember. We both climaxed which was good and I was wearing a condom. When I climaxed, that was one of the best feelings I've ever felt. I felt so high and so euphoric. I sat down and had to reflect and ground myself for a while, like a few minutes. I couldn't think for a few minutes, it felt so good.

We drove to Condado afterwards, to go to a pokebowl place. On the way there, there was a parade or something going on. Luckily it was for the opposite traffic and there was a long line of cars for like a quarter or half a mile of pile-up behind the parade. I'm not sure what the parade was about. Oh, I zoomed into the picture a bit more and people were wearing Davida shirts. Searching that up on the Internet, it brought up results of a cancer walk in Puerto Rico, so I think that's what it was about.

We drove to Condado and paid for parking. I asked Eda to please only get a vegan meal, like everything on the menu was vegan at the pokebowl place except for the "protein" choices of chicken, cow, and fish, and the best option was the tofu. I mean that's it, like to order a vegan or non-vegan meal is as easy as just saying tofu instead of any of the other choices. Then we went out to the beach and found some chairs to sit on. There were other people there so we just hung out and ate. After we ate, we took some photos in front of the beach and in front of a Puerto Rico flag there. Eda looked very attractive in the photos. She stood up on some rocks as the waves splashed by.

There was a "flash rain" where out of nowhere on a sunny almost cloudless day, it would rain out of nowhere for a few minutes. We took shelter underneath some entrance for a hotel that we found last night. We went to the same place.

I'm not sure what else we did or where we went. I think we went home afterwards. At night though, we went out to an Acai Express place and ate there. We talked and gossiped about our lives and former classmates and how everyone has changed. Awesome stories that we shared. Afterwards we went to the movie theaters and got tickets to the movie "King Richard" about how Richard Williams raised Serena and Venus Williams to become the top female tennis players. The movie wouldn't start for an hour though, so we walked outside for a bit. We talked and gossiped more about the past and our classmates.

The movie was nice. The man raised his kids learning tennis since birth, and they became the best. I also shared the story of the Polgar sisters with Eda because it was similar, the top ranking female chess players were raised in the same way, practicing a skill since birth to become the best at it. It's how a lot of prodigies come to be, such as Mozart and Tiger Woods, even modern top musicians today like Yo-Yo Ma and math prodigies like Terence Tao, their parents taught them since birth to specialize in one specific thing. I think it's the same for singers like Bruno Mars. Yeah I just looked it up, he was raised in a family of musicians, both of his parents were musicians and they also raised him from birth to be a musician.

It doesn't always work though. Even though there are many stories of success, there are many more stories of failure in parents trying to teach their kids to specialize and learn, to become a prodigy at a certain subject at a young age. It's mainly due to the motivation of the kids. If they don't want to learn something, they're not going to, no matter how much tutoring or whatever is put in. For Serena and Venus Williams for example, they had competition growing up too, many more wealthier families that also raised their kids from birth playing tennis, but I think other priorities took a hold like school, whereas for the Williams sisters, they were home schooled and just did tennis all day every day.

I think it's great to specialize, but that it's also important to learn other subjects. It's all holistic. Learning some things from one field will help in another. Like Bruno Mars again, he knows how to play the piano, drums, saxophone, guitar, bass, and he can dance as well as sing, but he's most known for his singing. For the specializers I mentioned above, like Tiger Woods, he was raised learning only golf, and that was it. He's not good at any other sport. I'm not sure how to feel, which path I would recommend for anyone, because it's conflicting, whether they should generalize or specialize.

For me, I think I am more of a generalizer when it comes to computers. I basically know a little bit about everything. I use several programming languages in my work. On a daily basis I probably use 4 different languages, but then I have to use different frameworks and such for different projects. For this website too, AYearAgo.Today, I use a 5th programming language. And I also deal with both the front end (the UI), and the backend (all the database and background tasks). I even deal with all the server and cloud related items, editing config files, backing up the database, and restarting certain processes and so on. I use all 3 common operating systems on a daily basis, MacOS, Linux, Windows, I use them all basically every day and know my way around them. I've developed apps, games, websites. I've made my own game engines, I've made some automation programs, I even made a scripting language, made some bots, and so on. I've done functional programming, I've made programming puzzles, hacked some games, and yeah. Basically everything. I'm not going to reveal everything I've done, but I've pretty much done whatever.

In that case, I think it was much more fun and better to generalize. Like if I specialized in only one thing, like only making games or only using one programming language, that kinda sucks. I would be pretty bored. Most games, like 99.99% of games, never become popular. There are so many games being made every single day. I think you can also say there's many songs being made every day. Many movies and videos being made every single day. Many artworks being made every single day. Many books being made every single day. Most of these don't get any traction. I really wonder what it takes to get some traction and some attention because I want to become influential.

At home, Eda and I did "that" again before going to sleep. Man it was so much fun. I miss making out and cuddling and all that too.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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